Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"Dots on the Dam Wall”!!


  1. I really like the pictures Ser. I can't believe they walk on the wall like that. I really like the one that is looking right at the camera.

  2. I'll be dam....fascinating SER

  3. that's got to be really good stuff for them to scale the wall, holy cow!

  4. THAT is fascinating, and then some. Great find. Thx.

  5. How do they climb like that with only hoofs? It looks like that would be difficult for a human to climb.

  6. Damn! (jedwis, you beat me to my initial response!)

    When I was in California, along Hwy 1, the roads were so steep and amazingly winding. You could go around a curve and find cows, hanging on the steep slopes. I don't know how they didn't slide. Animals adapt. Even thought they had an amazing view, I can't believe they were happier than good old WI cows! ;>

  7. Too funny KK, what do they say "great minds..." I drove from Portland, OR to San Fran on Hwy 1, it was the most beautiful and dangerous stretch of road I have ever been on.
