Friday, March 11, 2011

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone! Welcome back after a week filled with Mondays... This weeks' questions are about gambling.

1) How often do you buy a lottery ticket?

2) Have you ever been to a casino?

3) Ever bet on a dog/horse race?

4) What would you do if won the lottery?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. 1) I really don't buy any lottery tickets.

    2) Yes I have been to the casino.

    3)No I have never been to the dog or horse races.

    4) First pay all the bills off. Then buy me a house and help my mom get her bills payed off. Also help my kids get a home.

    I hope everyone has a good weekend!

  2. 1 about every two weeks.
    2. Yes in Las Vagas one year
    3. Yes with my mom. She (unbelieveably) could handicap the horses.
    4. See a lawyer..then buy a house in Mexico.

  3. 1. Every Saturday I buy a powerball ticket.
    2. Although we have casinos here, I have only been once. Been to Vegas a few times.
    3. I used to work at a racetrack (horse) so yes, I've been to the races. Dog track too - the one that was in Kenosha.
    4. Since I am older, I would put it in the savings account and hopefully have a nice retirement.

  4. 1. I think I've bought maybe 2 in my life.
    2. Yes, but I'm not a big gambler. I much prefer a sure thing. I hate to lose. Big surprise, huh? ;>
    3. Yes, it is fun entertainment for the money. $2. bets so a full day for $20. and you have the potential to walk away with a little something if you are lucky.
    4. Move to a warmer climate and relax.

  5. ) Only when the prize is high

    2) Yes, I like going to them, but i limit my losses so I don't get carried away.

    3) Use to go down to Keno a couple times a year, kinda depressed they had to close up.

    4) Sell everything I own! Buy a HUGE motor home, hire a driver and hit the road, live off the debit card and have a select group of people come whith

  6. 1. Not too often, maybe a couple of times a year and usually a present for someone else.

    2. No, hate to lose my money on such frivolous stuff

    3. No, so seems like a dull time, but never been to one so hard to say if it really is dull.

    4. Buy a house, buy a house for my parents so they can retire comfortably, Set up some sort of investments and travel if there is enough money left.. suppose how big the lottery was.

  7. 1) I rarely buy lottery tickets. I'm not a big gambler. It's the only vice I don't have.

    2) No casinos.

    3) No betting.

    4) Winning the lottery would probably kill me, but I'd die with a smile on my face.

  8. 1. Never, I like my chances at getting struck by lightning better.

    2. Been to Reno twice, Lake Tahoe sure is pretty

    3. Yes, I grew up down the street from Arlington Park and my Mom's bff aunt owned it. Very good VIP treatment.

    4. How does that song go? "Dreamer, nothing but a dreamer" But I like Sassa's answer best. Too funny

  9. 1. The lottery is a tax on people who are bad at statistics.

    2. Yes, gambled there no. Either I don't like the odds of the games or I know how to play and win the games but the casinos frown on my techniques.

    3. Nope

    4.See #1

  10. 1. Perhaps once a month I spend $2.00

    2. Yes, and I would rather walk up to some poor looking person, and hand them a $100.00 bill instead of EVER going back.

    3. Yes, and #2 applies here also.

    4. Leave the country.

  11. 1. Rarely unless its some obscene amount you can win
    2. Yes I have been to a casino
    3. Went to Ktown a few times for the dog races back in the day
    4. Get the hell out of Racine

  12. 1) Once in a blue moon...

    2) Once. I saw shiny things and bright lights.

    3) Once. I spent a day at the Keno dog track. Interesting.

    4) Get a lawyer, pay off bills, buy a modest home somewhere warm year round and then...throw a party!

  13. 1) How often do you buy a lottery ticket?
    mostly scratch offs, occasionally

    2) Have you ever been to a casino?
    once. HATED it!

    3) Ever bet on a dog/horse race?

    4) What would you do if won the lottery?

    ANYTHING I want!
    Pay bills, help out some friends and family that could use it

  14. definitely been a week of Mondays and way too much drama. all answers are pretty boring for me, nope on all accounts... here's to a week of no drama and fewer Mondays!
