Friday, March 11, 2011

A Little Humor


  1. He's suing Warner Bros for $100 million.

    And TMZ reports that he just took a drug test.

    We have this fascination with the Charlie Sheens and Lindsay Lohans and Britney Spears. Charlie appears to be putting on an exceptionally enthralling show.

  2. He's definitely a good advertisement on why you shouldn't do drugs.

  3. He'll be long forgotten by Halloween.

  4. Doesn't this publicly bad behavior take the heat off of the rest of us??? :)

  5. Funny cartoon!

    I feel bad about Sheen. Like watching a train wreck. He obviously has gone off the deep end. Very sad.. He may be clean now but obviously he got something that affected him badly.

  6. He looks ike death warmed over. I was wondering if he gets 'made up' for his shows or has life lately caused him to age.

  7. Probably a little of both, Sassa. They say you wouldn't recognize most "stars" if you ran into them in person. The make-up and the air brushing of photos deludes us into thinking they are above the rest of us.

  8. KK, talk about not recognizing people, some years ago there was a model, a tall black girl, I guess what made her a super model was her height and the length of her neck!

    Anywho, they had a reporter and cameraman follow her one day from when she rolled out of the crib until she went back to bed.

    To make a long story short, this girl made millions of dollars; she would get on the subway and not a person recognized her. After 2 too 3 hours of makeup, she didn’t even look like the same person! She would work all day, at the end strip all the makeup off, grab her backpack and head back home on the subway!

  9. I'm still thinking Charlie and Linsay are somehow related...

  10. Alcohol and/or drug abuse can make you look like hell. It hardens your face. I've seen people's appearances improve in recovery, but some damage may be permanent.
