Friday, March 4, 2011

Open Blog - Friday

It's time to relax. 


  1. wow , you can say that again, what a difference a couple days make, I feel like a new person :) so happy to be going into the weekend feeling good again :)

  2. For starters Joe the Plumber called me last nite to invite me to a meeting in Green Bay. Sent my regrets.

  3. I was watching the Colbert Report last night where they busted Fox News on their reporting of Wisconsin. The footage showed people pushing and shoving and when they panned out what did we see - Palm Trees. Granted I've been gone for a while but I'm pretty sure Wisconsin doesn't have Palm Trees. Crazy.

  4. No palm trees, but it's raining instead of snowing. Of course, I had the truck washed for the first time all winter a couple of days ago.

  5. Oh Oh Oh I got another poem:
    With inward chuckles
    of feminine glee,
    You knew at last
    you were rid of me.
    With sentences caustic
    and voice refined,
    you charmingly gave me
    a piece of your mind.
    But the triumphs not yours
    for if only you knew,
    I've been trying for months
    to get rid of you

  6. I wish it would rain for days! Get ride of the rest of the ugly snow especially down by the lake.

    A nice easy rain so it soaks in.

  7. Mary, the Daily Show last night did a multiple montage last night. They showed commentators claiming that teachers who make $50,000 per year were overpaid interspersed with clips of the same people claiming that families could barely survive on $250,000 per year (clips taken from the tax cut debates of late last year). They followed up with clips of commentators claiming that you could not change the contracts of Wall Street bankers since they were legally binding and the same commentators claiming you had to change the contracts of teachers.

    Sometimes I think we need to remind politicians and commentators that recording technology has been invented.

  8. I am a new blogger and I have been reading the posts and the comments on here. I hope you don't mind if I start to comment on some of the posts.

  9. Welcome Tender Heart Bear

    Hale - I saw just a little of Jon Stewart. I did hear that "well, teachers only work 9 months of the year". Wow.

  10. Speaking of the lake view,does anyone know what those things are spinning around at the Gateway campus? Looks like some lawn ornaments.

  11. Sassa... I don't know where you are getting those poems from, but I LOVE them.

    Tender Heart, we welcome new posters. jedwis, you too! Thanks for jumping in! Please continue! :)

    Orbs, no palm trees by you? It is a balmy 36 degrees under cloudy skies with rain. I'm considering checking what the heat index is.....

    hale, pink slips are supposedly going out this weekend. I'm figuring I'll be on the list?

  12. I see those things by Gateway almost every day, jedwis, but I haven't gotten close enough yet to get a good look. I assume they're part of that big project on the southeast side of the campus. Maybe they're some sort of installation or outdoor artwork. I hope they're made well - the wind off that lake is awesome at times.

    Welcome, welcome new people. Don't forget, if you want to join the JTI and post your own blogs, contact

    36 degrees with rain is perfect for me, just perfect. No complaints. In the recent past, I've woken up to 5 foot snow drifts and below zero temperatures. Nope, I have no complaints at all today.

  13. Well, if I had to bitch, a little sun would have been nice, but that's OK, this is part of the process. March is a cloudy, muddy mess when a lot of plants come back to life. I love it, just not the inevitable snow/ice.

  14. Welcome the JTI Tender Heart and jedwis! Just remember, being irregular can be addicting...

  15. T/Y to kk, Orbs & Drew for the warm welcome, but I have been following you guys for years,you all are great. Orbs, I found out that those ornaments at Gateway are actually wind turbines generating electrical power. It is from a company in Sturtevant,very cool website and blog.

  16. Thank you to everyone for welcoming me on this blog.
