Friday, March 18, 2011

Open Blog - Friday

And thanks for cute kitty cats, too. 


  1. Oh my, woke up to about 3-4 inches of snow on the ground and it's still snowing hard.. We were just starting to get at our yard and now it's snowed under again. So not right.

  2. Well I think it is offical, I am out of the March madness poll after the first day. Belmont sucks.

  3. I am taking my daughter to visit U W Parkside this morning. I just wish the warm weather was still here to take her. I do not like cold weather. I am happy that it is Friday. I hope everyone has a good weekend.

  4. Things are looking up down here. We have leaves on the trees and yesterday I saw butterflies. Checked out and the hummingbirds are headed north. I LOVE SPRING.

    Sorry about your loss Jedwis.

  5. I'm having a Why Not moment. It's Mary, not Gary.

  6. Happy Friday indeed!!
    it's been a rough couple weeks but I am off today, the absolute best day to be off work, as I know it was going to be horrible and overly busy and overly stressful, I got to sleep in, and wake up AFTER the sun, how weird was that!!!
    so far a great day, going up to Whitewater with my sister to pick up my niece, other than that, nothing planned except relaxing :)

  7. Had a nice relaxing St. Paddy's day at Portofino's with Biggie D and some friends...good meal, although no corned beef and cabbage, making that tomorrow.

    Have a great weekend. I won't tell you how delightful our weather is...just that I sat outside on a deck on Charlotte Harbor last night and ate dinner wearing capris and a short-sleeved shirt, flip-flops...guess you get the picture. Byyyyyeeeeeeeee.

  8. kitty cats...The other White Meat

    So when does the weekend offically start? Midnight? Whenever you get out of work? As soon as you have that frist refreshment in your hand? I'm not knowing.....

  9. Should be nice weekend here. I am contemplating going to the U of A's Willie Williams track meet tomorrow. They have two home meets (the Jim Click meet on April 2nd is the other one). The W.W. meet does not feature the same level of talent. Many of the best athletes just finished competing in the NCAA Indoor Championships last weekend and take this week off so you get a lot of the B team. For the Jim Click meet, they bring out the big guns and I have seen several future Olympians compete at that one.

    Better yet, we get the Pac 10 track and field championships here on May 14th...I won't miss that one!

  10. Do you know everyone on this site has a better life than me? I'm trying to figure out which store to visit so I can get in my walking. Ah I know I'll stop and get some sweet stuff. BTW did anyone see the polar bear spy cam? Brilliant!!!!

  11. Sassa... Did you read my entry? What can be worse than being out of the NCAA pool before the first half of the first round is over?

    Happy walking and shopping.

  12. I don't think the weather in Racine is so bad now. Yeah, it was in the 60's yesterday, but 50's and 40's isn't bad for March.

    I think it's the landscaper in my blood and pent up cabin fever: I want to get out there and DO things. Just dig a hole, I don't know, whatever. Actually, things are little damp to do much in the yard yet, but for me this type of weather is perfect for outdoor work. I throw a lot of heat when I do physical labor. I start out wearing a jacket and sweatshirt and T-Shirt and end up in just the T-shirt. I hate summer heat because I sweat like crazy. In the summers I constantly wore sweatbands or I'd be blinded by my own perspiration.

    St Patrick's Day Parade in downtown Racine tomorrow:

  13. I have spring fever, too. I've been hearing the birds chirping in the morning. I've been tempted to dig the soil a bit, but I know it is still too early. I didn't wear a coat on the way home from work. It was marvelous! We just might make it.....

    I stopped at the library on the way home from work. The icebergs at the lake are still maybe 15 feet high? The thought crossed my mind that maybe there is blue glacial ice inside of them from all the compacting and melting??? It just may be August before they are gone this year.

  14. KK & Orbs. I too am ready to get out and enrich the environment. I have 1 1/2 acres to tend to. Cutting the grass, planting & weeding all give me time to perpend. I have planted over 100 spruce trees from seedlings around the perimeter of the property, looks great now that they are 25 to 30' tall. Lots of ivy and groundcover. Lots of herbs. I tried to do the vegetable thing, but now strictly just tomatoes. I just saw my pussy willows have started to get buds. Thanks for getting me ready to rock out in the yard.
    KK did you see the wind turbines at Gateway?

  15. jedwis, you're making me very hungry for home grown tomatoes!! I have no luck growing them and am always at the mercy of anyone with extras, hoping for a good year!!
    NOTHING compares to home grown tomatoes, cucumbers are good but tomatoes beat everything else hands down

  16. Yes, I did see the turbines. They make me kind of dizzy, but they look very artistic and cool. Go green energy, go!!! I rolled down my window to see if they were noisy. I didn't hear anything. Maybe the wind off the lake was pushing the noise away? I have read that those large turbines are an annoyance to their neighbors due to tremendous noise.

  17. Lizard.. I'll see if I can grow a surplus this year and offer some up to you. Sometimes the farmers market is just as much fun to go and buy stuff & people watch.
    KK. the reason they are so attractive is they are low noise, which you're right is the big stink for the larger turbines that you see popping up. Also the other complaint is the "strobing" the shadows cause if your house is located near them. Wildlife issues come up, but if you have a cat or a patio door, they are more dangerous to birds then the turbines. I like to think of the gateway turbines as big blenders mixing another batch of margaritas.

  18. jedwis, I envy you the land you have to work. (Although, to be honest, I'm in such sad shape now that I can barely walk around the block.)

    It's wonderful that you put in all those spruces. You've been there for awhile if they're 30 ft tall now. I put in a lot of spruce seedlings for a friend in the county about 10 years ago. He wanted windbreaks, so I put them in two rows, staggered placements, so that when they grown in there would be full coverage. He got the seedlings from a county or state program. I told him that it would be quite awhile before he had much of a windbreak, but he said, "I'm not going anywhere."

    I'm newer to gardening than I am to landscaping. I put in tomatoes two years in a row. The first year they got the blight and it was a mess. Last year, I was giving tomatoes to just about everybody in the building. LM, if I do well again this year, I'll make sure you get some.

  19. Wind turbines, Oh yeah, I remember posting a blog about them...

  20. I would be happy to buy tomatoes from anybody with any to spare, or bartering is always fun, I cook/bake, whatever you like, I'm sure we can come up with a happy deal all around :) mmmm tomatoes :)

  21. LM, I'm not even that big of a tomato fan. I just like to grow things. I grow them for other people. My mom and sister love them. I probably eat a few more BLTs during tomato season, and I have a slice on every burger or sandwich, and add them to any salad or pasta sauce, but I'm sure I go through less than a dozen, while giving away over a hundred last year. Maybe two hundred. I had nine plants and 6 really produced. If I do as well this year, you're getting a load free. That's what Irregular friends are for.
