Thursday, March 3, 2011

Scott Walker ---- A Dictator?

Senate calls for Dems to be taken into custody, gives 4 p.m. deadline

A dictatorship is defined as an autocratic form of government in which the government is ruled by an individual, the dictator. It has three possible meanings:

A government controlled by one person, or a small group of people. In this form of government the power rests entirely on the person or group of people, and can be obtained by force or by inheritance. The dictator(s) may also take away much of its peoples' freedom.

Reference Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Dictator(s)

The Wisconsin Professional Police Association, a union representing 11,000 law enforcement officials from across the state, released a statement from its director Jim Palmer slamming the action:

"The thought of using law enforcement officers to exercise force in order to achieve a political objective is insanely wrong and Wisconsin sorely needs reasonable solutions and not potentially dangerous political theatrics,'' Palmer said.

The article was written by SCOTT BAUER of the Associated Press, you can read the complete article in the Journal Times at Breaking News: Senate calls...)


  1. Have you heard of anyone actually curb their appetite for the yummy public tax money?

  2. This is so beyond money. This appears to be more about fame and power and maybe revenge of some sort. The unions agreed to the financial end of his plan... even though it will bring true hardship to many who are normal, hard working, blue collar workers.

    This is a very sad situation. It should never be to the amusement of those who think they are somehow untouchable. Ramification of this bill will touch everyone in our state. Being callous at this point does not show intelligence.

    I keep hearing that he is supporting Wisconsin. I am not seeing representation of the "majority" he claims to support, in contrast to the anger from so many. Just because a majority won the election, does not mean you have to stop listening to the people you are supposed to be representing.

    The police can't legally touch these senators over the border, so nothing really has changed. The legality of the recent action to vilify the 14 democrats is being questioned. There have even been calls to public to drag these people over the border. We are inciting civilians now to be vigilantes? Everything is out of hand. Live ammo found on the capital square where there has been loud, but peaceful demonstration? I'm concerned this measure to amp this up will cause someone to be seriously hurt.

  3. I have a hard time calling him a dictator.. That is very extreme and don't think that word should be thrown about willy nilly.. And people liking him to Hitler is disgusting, but I also have a hard time calling him a representative because he is not representing those that are fighting and those that oppose this.. Now I don't expect that he has to listen to the thousands of people outside his door to the T, but he is supposed to compromise and try to find a solution that fits the majority.. This means that neither side gets exactly what they want.. Negotiation... He has said from day 1 that there is no compromise, he needs it to be exactly as he planned it out. That is not a representative.

    I do believe that he is out to make a name for himself at the cost of union workers.

    And that with the live ammunition at the capitol.. I mean really?? They found 41 live rounds, which probably comes from a box of 50 all from the same source.. you are telling me that someone accidentally dropped 41 live rounds scattered around the capitol?? If they found a pile of them in one place.. ok.. If they found just a few here and there, but you cannot tell me that someone dropped them on accident scattered around like that without noticing.. something reeks about it.. Now it could have been either side trying to get the other side in trouble..

    Whatever is going on, it's ugly. I'm saddened to see our state torn apart by polarized opinions.. I am extremely proud of those that are out there and protesting everyday.. This is exactly what democracy looks like.. Just like I gave props to the TEA party for having their rallies.. Getting active in your government is important and I think for MANY years people have become lazy and just let things happen. Get out and fight for what you believe in, but we have to be able to respect each other, while we do it.

  4. ok read it again.. it didn't say he was a dictator, it says acting like a dictator.. so I take back what I said about calling him a dictator.. although that is my feeling as I have heard many people call him a dictator..

  5. I gotta stop switching google accounts so much

  6. kk, I don't think you should totally discount the financial issue for teachers and public employees. Not only does the bill limit collective bargaining to wages only, it also places a caps it to the cost of living increase. So public employees will have to fight and negotiate just to get the cost of living.

    I can already predict what will happen: if public employees refuse to accept anything less than the cost of living increase, they will be accused of being unwilling to compromise (which will show a lot of chutzpah when you look at Walker's comments on how there will be no compromise).

  7. Why does no one talk about just how upset the union bosses are that they have lost the gravy train which is the payroll deduction of their members dues. I know for a teacher that amounts to about $900.00 per year. Consider that WEAC spent 1.9 million on ads and candidates in the November election cycle, thats alot of dues. I do question how much is "about the members" and how much is "its about the money we get".

    I guess I should be happy that SER didnt call the Govenor "Hitler"

    Also, I dont know how the Senate, enforcing and using the long standing and proper rules of the Senate, makes the controling party in Madison a dictatorship. Would it not also been that way when Doyle was stuffing tax increases down our throats with the help if the Democratic Assembly and Senate? Is it different because the majority party has a (r) instead of a (d)? We have a majority representative republic, which the 14 Knights Who Say Flee are usurping.

    I cant believe im dragging myself back into this........
