Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wisconsin after the Budget Repair Bill

BJ on the Road Again

Looking down the “road” this is what I see Wisconsin will look like...

Case High School

Orbs' Garage and Blacksmith Works

KK's Garden

Lizardmom making baskets for a few bucks on the side

The New Racine Police Dept.

Laid off Police officers

Mayor Dickert's Laundry

Tender Heart making Lunch

Everyone Headed to Illinois


  1. Can kk's garden be next to my garage and blacksmith works? I like to garden, too, and would help out when I'm not making horseshoes or fixing a wagon wheel for the city's last official vehicle.

  2. Ser I have a question. How did you find that picture of me. I was trying to hide so no one could find me. I didn't know that I looked that good in a picture. Thank you!

  3. I'm sorry, orbs, that isn't my garden. I used to love gardening, too. This garden, however, belongs to my new boss... Mr. Walker. I surly can't afford that kinda land, sir.... remember, I lost the job I loved after the millions in cuts to Wisconsin education.

    I'm very meticulous in my new gardening job that pays minimum wage. I've also lost my home. If I don't tend his estate just right, to his exact liking, the punishment is rather harsh.

    Seriously? I was standing on the second floor overlook yesterday. Within 5 minutes, two colleagues passed and both said to me, individually, "Don't jump." I questioned the second one about the comment because it seemed more than a coincidence, and they replied they made that comment because I looked rather despondent. Yikes!

  4. I am often told that I look tired, sad or angry.

    And, in fact, I am.

  5. NEAT photo's. Do you own them?

  6. Where is the photo where Eliot (Walker) Ness drives the Corrupt union mobsters out and cleans up the state?

  7. and I thought that picture was tucked away, the truth comes out, I DO have skills :)

  8. Oh I have my way of finding pictures..... they are not mine, if you want a bunch of them send me an email to and I'll send you a PowerPoint file with 48 or 50 of them in it...

    HB...sorry I'll find it, I know I have a picture of it...
