Sunday, April 17, 2011

Body Builing



  1. I don't think there's one I could beat up.

  2. Aren't women supposed to be soft and rounded, not hard and bumpy? I think it looks gross. Some of them seriously look like photo shopped heads on man bodies.

  3. I saw a documentary about female body builders once.. I can't remember much about it, but I remember someone saying that it is not completely uncommon that these women have been victims of abuse or sexual assault. I'm sure it's not all of them, but I can imagine that it's a way of trying to protect themselves from being victims again.
    Much like some women who are overweight/obese (those that are victims of sexual abuse), they put up a physical barrier to protect themselves from those predators.
    So even though I don't think this is pretty , there might be much more to the pictures than you first see..

  4. eww, even guys pumped that far are icky, some muscle is good but extreme is not pretty on anybody

  5. I remember watching a show with my ex with the body builders and he thought it was cool when the women came on. But for me the men and women body builders I really thought was gross. Yes a little muscle for men is great but not looking like that and for the women it is just wrong.

  6. Wouldn't that be the surprise of your life. "I just thought she had big bones" It just ain't right.

  7. Why Not? Trust me, they would have NO chance of attack after being seen. Reminds me of some of the animals In the world that can change the way they look to scare predators away.

  8. I agree with KK, these look photo shopped. Who would want to be seen with one of these freaks. Crazy.

  9. kk, Are we sure they aren't photo-shopped! I'm with you, kk, ...round and soft...yep...pluffy is the word someone uses for me.

  10. It just doesn't look right but I'll give them credit for all their hard work. You don't get a look like that over night.

  11. I knew a woman many years back that won a title. You would never have guessed it to look at her. She was beautiful, toned and healthy looking. I remember her explaining what a freak she was in what she ate and the discipline she kept prior to the competition. It was really something!

    She slid up her sleeve one day and demonstrated her bicep to the kids in the classroom. I think an audible, "Gawd" came out of my mouth. What a difference it made when she "puffed" it up.

    I'm still betting these pics are photo shopped.. Something just doesn't look right.

  12. I don't know, just the thought of being in bed with one of those freaks makes me want to go puke. Hard and bumpy is not how I want my woman to be, maybe the other way around.

  13. These pictures are seriously creeping me out....

  14. They are creepy.....I just can't believe they are not photo-shopped!

  15. I agree MC, those pictures are creepy and like a car wreck I keep looking at them. In my best Ronald Reagan impression, " Mr. SER, Tear those pictures of the creepy women down"

  16. I have to wonder, do they have to have all their clothes made for them. How can you be a size 4 in the waist but your thighs are a 14?

  17. Mary, I don't think they worry about regular clothes, it's all about showing off their "bodies" How can you possibly feel this looks good?
