Monday, April 25, 2011

Gas and Spending


  1. I spend for gas, but drive alot less, as for luxury items, I wish LOL!

  2. Well, I am not much into traditional luxury items anyway :)

    I have never been a big driver. I wish I lived closer to work since I hate commuting. I have a 150cc scooter which is fun to drive so that makes the commute more tolerable and I get ~95mpg to boot. When I got a new car last fall, I went for a nice efficient Honda Fit (which is very well designed with more interior space than you would expect) so fuel just isn't a big household expense.

    With that being said, I think Obama is right not to tap the strategic petroleum reserve (and that was one decision in which I supported Bush before him) unless there really is a supply disruption.

  3. I have a 2000 Honda Civic with 43,440 miles on it so obviously I don't drive a lot.
    I'm just one of those people who shops close to home and I honestly think about the quickest routes when I need to be somewhere.
    My husband has to drive his truck a lot and that is cutting into my spending and I don't like that one bit. But,you do what you have to do.

  4. I'm trying to drive less. I make the daily commute to mom's. There's shopping nearby, so I get what we need then. I used to sometimes drive out in the county for pleasure, but that stopped a long time ago. I don't have many luxury items. I just dropped TV to halve my cable bill. I suppose the internet is a luxury for most people, but I would argue that it is damn near a necessity for me. I mean, if mom were out of the equation and it came to a choice between my vehicle and the internet, I'd probably choose the internet and ride the bus.

  5. My budget is extremely tight right now. I'm not used to counting pennies in my pocket. Between buying in a new car (and new brakes for it), insurance issues, vet bills for the dog, catching up with bills and getting computer fixed, I'm tapped dry.

    The raise I got at work was a whole nine dollars more a week (Thrillsville).

    Other words, I'm forced to spend money on things that are screwed up and can't save at the moment.

    Oh yeah, gas for a round trip to Up North and back (about 250 miles)on a 2007 Chevy HRR LT-$75.

  6. I am a miser with my gas, too. I don't drive a lot, mostly to and from work and a stop at the store on occasion on the way home. I really hate the $50.00 hit at the pump, even though it is infrequent.

    Things have to change. We are getting hit with increases on every level and wages are at a standstill or actually going down for many.

  7. I guess when I was thinking of luxury stuff I was thinking of the pizza on Wednesday night you might have given up. Or that coffee latte mocha with cream on the way to work every morning. what are those things $4.00 at Starbucks?

    I believe the ‘key’ is to do things like KK mentioned, stop at the store on the way home or Orbs shopping close. And I need a little scooter like the Boppster.

    And I think people should still by their coffees and pizzas, just cut back on the driving and gas will come down.

    I drive a dodge truck it gets 11 miles per gallon, ouch, with a 26 gallon tank. It cost me $80.00 to fill it last week.

  8. well I don't know if this is something that makes you feel better or worse about what you pay there.. you take whatever you pay for gas there and then at least double it if not triple it and you'll get what you pay for gas around here.. (you may understand why we do not have a car)..

    Right now it's about 9.50 dollars a gallon, I've heard on the news they expect it to go up to about 11.50 dollars for summer..
