Friday, April 8, 2011

Open Blog - Friday myspace graphic comments

Cried? I would have had a nervous breakdown.


  1. 1st, woo hoo!!!!!!
    Happy Friday everybody, took long enough for it to get here, hope it's a great day!!
    work, resting foot, then major house cleaning ahead of me today, do I know how to have fun or what???

  2. 2nd- Lizardmom dont't feel bad I have house cleaning to do today also. I know a lot of fun cleaning the house. I just can't wait for the warm weather on Sunday even though it is going to rain.

  3. House cleaning is less important when you're not in it that much. Bridal fitting party this weekend. Girly fru fru stuff. House guests. There better be a bottle of wine in there somewhere.

  4. House cleaning fun? Is there an app for that? LOL.

    I've finished my ten miles on the bike this morning and am now washing clothes. Taking a little get-away with the big guy for a couple of days. Whoo-hoo. Peace and quiet and perhaps a romantic dinner for two instead of three! LOL.

  5. OK, all you women, from a male point of view.. Why clean anything if it is just going to get dirty again? Funny KK your girly fru fru stuff reminded me of a Seinfeld episode.

  6. Hahaha, jed... I'm not best man at a lesbian wedding.

  7. Yes KK, that and Jerry's perception of what girly fru fru stuff they do. Can you say tickle fights?

  8. I like two things. I neat house, and a lived in house. Neurotically clean isn't one of my pluses. I have this thing i call a 'filth factor." it's how far you let the house go before you go AHHHHHHH and need to clean it. Wash the dishes and a general field day. Problem with a field day is it always ends up a cooking day be cause gosh i like to cook, and then we're back to "Lived in" again."

  9. Hoping to get out this weekend and get the back patio cleaned up.. we've had some beautiful weather, but windy.. hoping the wind dies down so I don't have to chase leaves all over the place.. the house will have to wait awhile longer.. I will have this place sparkling before we leave for the states, but for now it will just be pick ups until it's time for the big cleaning..

    Got the final piece of the puzzle for our trips, all 4 of us now have a Swedish and an American passport so now they will let us there and back here.. very nice. Everything is paid for now just waiting for the date to travel.. getting nervous already.

  10. Just bought gasoline in Kenos @ BP for $3.89 a gallon. Back to talking to Kitty again.

  11. The daffodils are coming up in our backyard.

  12. It's been a rough week for me. An ongoing court case, money and work issues and a very sick dog...All I need is a genie to take me away to a tropic paradise for awhile...

  13. I'm leaving a tropic paradise for a few days of peace and quiet with Biggie D in South Carolina....sometimes we all need a break from our day to day routine (mine is caring for a 96 year old mother-in-law.)

    Thank goodness for good friends!
