Friday, April 29, 2011

Open Blog - Friday

Oh yeah!


  1. 1st :)
    my bed is calling for me to return, just like a little kid not wanting his mom to leave, oh I wish I could go back, maybe later, a nap sounds wonderful :)
    Happy Friday all!

  2. Well I did it. Woke up at 4:45 and watched the Royal Wedding. It was really beautiful. Now I want to go back to bed but unfortunately I have to go to work.

  3. I was going to watch the wedding (it was on at noon my time) but then I got invited over to a friends and we ended up chatting our time away so I missed it.. I'm sure it will be replayed.

  4. I have been up since 2am with a real bad tooth ache. I am going to see if I can get in the dentist tonight. That is how bad the pain is.

  5. Sorry to hear about your toothache Tender Heart. Hope you feel better soon:)

  6. I hope your tooth problems get taken care of, THB. Tooth pain is amongst some of the worst pain. Maybe cause they're near our brains?
