Monday, April 11, 2011

Open Blog - Monday

If you can afford it, sleep is a better antidote to Monday than coffee


  1. It may be gray out today, but it's a wonderful spring day here.. I love hearing the birds chirping, the buds are starting to open.. all of the ick and gravel and sand is getting cleaned up from this past winter.. The smell of wet earth is intoxicating.. I'm ready to go lay in the wet grass and shove my nose down in the dirt.. Happy Monday, I'm in an extremely chipper mood!!

  2. Pepsi Max, don't fail me now!
    only been up 45 minutes, doesn't seem too bad so far LOL!

  3. Dang, it's only 5:51 and I already drank a 1/2 pot of coffee.....gezzz

  4. Aren't Monday's Great? I just love Monday's. I am very happy Tiger did't win the masters. Oh and I don't do coffee anymore, now I get my C8H10N4O2 from Mt. Dew. I am trying to figure out the next sporting event I can wager on.

  5. My husband got up at 4:00 am to go fishing. Unfortunately, I had a hard time going back to sleep. I'm going to need a lot of coffee today to say awake at work.

  6. What the heck is with you chipper people.... It is MONDAY!

    It was gorgeous out yesterday! I was very sleepy and sick of the weather guys changing their mind, so I plugged in my earbuds and listened to music when I went to bed. Did it storm loudly last night?

  7. KK.. I know this is a stupid question, but I am going to ask anyway... what is an earbud?

  8. I'm chipper because I don't have anywhere to go on a Monday and this is the first real spring day we have gotten all year.. Been looking forward to this day since we got snow back in the middle of November.. terribly exciting..

  9. jed... it is those new fangled tiny earphones you cram into your ears. You are showing your age! ;>

  10. Ok kk, thanks for going light on me. I went ahead and googled them, so now I know what they are. I got to stop watching all those Seinfeld reruns, and get with the new technology. lol

  11. Cold rainy weekend...snow on the mountains. Already warming back to our regularly scheduled April weather (80s and sunny).

  12. I'm having fasting lab work done tomorrow. I hate that because I can't eat my normal junk food and snacks in the evening and night before.
