Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Open Blog - Wednesday

It's definitely helping!


  1. First, and in BIG trouble when the alarm goes off in a few hours....

  2. 2nd, and we're all in big trouble because Dickert was reelected.

  3. 3rd and I can't sleep either

  4. wow, 5th and I'm attempting to wake up, I thought I slept well but I still feel like a zombie, bummer..

  5. Wednesday's are great. I am just happy to be here and have a job I like. Just trying to be positive in a very negative environment. 6th and proud of it?

  6. I have to admit I was pretty surprised and the low turnout of the election. With everything happening up there you would think more people would get out and vote.
    And Jedwis in keeping up with a positive attitude, I am positive my batteries are going out on my keyboard and its driving me nuts right now.

  7. Mary, you really need to use rechargeable batteries. I am very positive about renewable energies, solar, wind, LED lighting, etc. BTW you were 7th, in keeping with the theme.

  8. 10th and I am in a very good mood. Because I have a wonderful boyfriend and he makes me very happy. I try to keep a very positive attitude.

  9. 11th, I'm BAACK! I was two friggin minutes late for work this morning... not because I overslept, but because I evidently don't know how to use the keypad on the phone to punch in....der. (I swear it wasn't ME!)

  10. hale, cool reference to the Violent Femmes. I have a tenuous connection to them through mutual friends.

  11. Hi all! Just checking in from balmy MN!
    Yes, I said balmy. :p The weather has been so Spring like, I am finding plants shooting up all over. Will be an interesting Spring. I have no idea what is planted here, but do know there are many green sprouts popping up! First ones to bloom have been Grape Hyacinth.
    Just have one tough pile of snow left.. but I am working on it! Will be gone by the weekend ( predicted temps 65-70)
