Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Open Blog - Wednesday

I hope that we all do.


  1. Seriously annoyed right about now.. I was in a pretty good mood even with the half crappy weather we have.. I was out working in the garden trying to get things cleaned up a bit.. First I try to go find the little communal rake they have here in our little area, which was gone.. My neighbor (which is also know for taking our hose without asking) shows up about 10 minutes after I went looking for it (she returned from work) and I notice she is using it.. so obviously she felt it was ok to keep the rake even when she was at work all day..

    THEN I am cleaning out the little garden patch I have to find a TON of cat crap all through it.. I am so sick of the cats running around all day crapping in my yard and pissing on my things.. Why do people feel it is ok just to let their cats run around all day?? What if people just let their dogs run around all day?? so right now even though I have cleaned both front and back quite well it still smells like cat crap and piss.. ugh

    sorry that was my rant of the day..

  2. It's hard to follow WhyNot, so sorry about your feline problems. On a good note it's Wednesday, no not from the Adams Family, but hump day, a great day, just like Monday's, but not as good as Friday, and much better than Tuesday & Thursday which have no purpose. Could someone explain #6 to me, I am so confused?

  3. Sorry Jewdis, yes after I calmed down a bit and read through it again I realize it was a bit difficult to follow.. it's not really important, just my annoyances of the day..

    The first part was about my neighbor that is known for just taking things (such as MY hose), taking the rake and keeping it even though it is meant for the whole community around here to use.. Which means if she is not using it she should put it back in the storage, and not just hold on to it until she needs it again (she has been gone all day at work).

    The second part was about people allowing their cats to wander around free to piss and poop in other peoples yards..

    It's all very petty, just one of those little pet peeves I have.

  4. WhyNot, No, I understand your feelings completely, I hate it when things are not put back in their proper place and when people think laws & rules are for everyone else, except them. You are always allowed to rant, which you very seldom do.

  5. WhyNot, I sent you a FB message with a couple of things to repel the pets.... heck, maybe try it with the neighbor too! ;>

    Six is more of an entity than anything else, as far as I can tell.

  6. I like Seven better, sounds like a good name to have.

  7. Yeah thanks KK, I appreciate it.. I will have to give the pepper one a try.. I'm a little nervous to use mothballs with so many little ones running around.. not that I really think that they would smell those things and want to eat them.. I just wouldnt' feel comfortable.. unless I can think of something to put them in that they cannot get a hold of.. hmmm.. might be an idea..

  8. Thanks Jewdis.. I can feel pretty petty sometimes when I get so upset over things that are really inconsequential, but those little things in life can add up and get quite intolerable if you do not allow yourself to rant once and awhile..

  9. We are all about listening, WhyNot. Hey I tried to use mothballs to get rid of the chipmunks that are building condos under my front door porch, but I found the bb gun works better.

  10. Why Not, I am not jewdis, I am Catholic, lol

  11. Jewdis = Judas? Or Jew disrespect?

    I like reading about your gardening issues, Why Not, and understood your first post well. Over the years, I made a point of obtaining the tools/equipment I needed to get a job done and then not lending them out. Almost everything is gone from my landscaping days, but I still have a leaf rake, steel rake, spade, shovel, etc. I don't own any property, but I plant tomatoes in our building's backyard and I usually end up doing the spring cleanup back there because no one else does. Our building allows dogs and the people are pretty good about picking up the poop.

    I believe that Number Six is a transplant from the Journal Times. He posted there a few times. Welcome Number Six! In light of your statement, however, calling you by a number is insulting, isn't it? Welcome Free Man!

  12. HAHA oh my!! sorry, don't know why I always see jewdis!! JEDWIS!! my non-existent dyslexia must be acting up..

    a rake is one of those things I always mean to buy but because there is always one for all of us to use we just never really did it.. It works well to have these tools (a spade, broom, rake and lawnmower) for all of us to borrow, but this new neighbor doesn't really respect rules..

    I was going to ask you if you have any tips for growing good tomatoes.. Seems like every year I try to grow tomatoes, but they never turn out very good, or the plant ends up dying before the fruit is ripe.. would love a tip or two if you have any..

    Even though I am very much looking forward to getting to Racine, I will miss my yard this year.. I was hoping to finally put in my second box where I was going to grow some vegetables this year.. Plus I will be missing all of our strawberries I planted and wild strawberries..

  13. No problem WhoDat?( lol) I've been called much worse. Try growing the upside down tomatoes, I've had good sucess with them, ie: no bugs or animals.

  14. cracking up.. I think we have nick names for each other now.. HAHA.. that's hilarious..

  15. I've only planted tomatoes for two years, and the first year was a disaster with the blight. Last year's crop was outstanding. The best tip I got was to make sure that the soil has enough micro-nutrients, or trace elements, because those get used up, too.

    I work up the soil and then add compost, as much as you can carry and/or get in there. Work that in. Then I add just a little slow release general fertilizer and throw on some micro-nutrient mix. Work that in. After I've planted the plants, I usually shake a little Osmocote onto the soil around them and press it in. That's a very slow release fertilizer that will feed the plants all season. I also sprinkle more micro-nutrients over the soil.

    I weed them regularly - really not much once you've done it a few times. Last year we had near perfect conditions here and I think I had to water the tomatoes only twice in over three months. We really don't get as much sun back there as I'd like, but I have to work with existing onditions.

  16. Every year I battle some outdoor critter and they usually win. I've had chipmunks eating and tossing out my flowers, bees building underground hives, rabbits attacking, and last year some type of beetle eating my roses. I wound up going chemical on the roses, they were so bad.

    I mulch some, usually with the free stuff from the city at 19th and West Blvd. As for my technique, I usually just dig a hole in the ground and plunk in the tomatoes. Some years I get tons, other years, not so good. It helps if you rotate your crops, but my garden is very small. I also throw egg shells and other easily decomposable vegetable peelings on the ground, then dig them under. I prefer to keep it as organic as possible.
