Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Open Blog - Wednesday

You have to listen to Tony the Tiger.


  1. day 2 no voice, this weather is not helping me get better one bit, mother nature better get herself on some happy pills and shape up fast!

  2. Wednesdays' are the absolute best day. Let's all have a great, wonderful & productive day. I will do my part to clean up the environment. Can I just say, I can't wait for those muscle girls to get off the first page, they are driving me nuts, but I can't stop looking at them, am I sick?

  3. Just watching a car commercial and started thinking...can we in the States legally buy and drive a car with the steering wheel on the 'other' side? I know mail trucks have them..but I mean we as regular people.

  4. Sassa, when I lived on St. Croix, the US Virgin Islands, I saw vehicles with right hand drive. They all had a sign on the back that said "Warning: right hand drive vehicle" or something like that.

    Now to the stupid part. On St. Croix, you drive on the left (even though it is a U.S. territory) so the cars with right hand drive had the drive sitting on the correct side but they STILL had to have the warning signs!

    When I was really young (like five or six since we still had the Volvo) I remember asking my father why we drive on the right but the driver sits on the left. I never truly understood why until I was in St. Croix and had to drive on the left side of the road with a left drive car. As soon as you try it backwards, everything makes perfect sense!

  5. I loved Tony the Tiger. I think he was Grrrreat! Remember them all? Tucan Sam, Count Chocula, Quisp?....

  6. Jed, we need you to apply for an author account... a registered user so that you can post some blogs to push the page down. I'd love to see more of what is on your mind. (Oh no, did I really say that?)

  7. Why thank you KK for the nice compliment... (I think?) In keeping with a Seinfeld theme, two things, first there is not too much going on up there and two, remember the head of lettuce comparasion? Anyway, I will think about it, I could bore everyone with my renewable energy blog.

  8. I just read that the driving on the left side started with horse and buggy days so when the driver cracked his whip he didn't hurt people walking on the street.

  9. Wow, Sassa, I love that kind of trivia, thank you for the info. It is amazing what happens when one reads. Now I am ready for the Jeopardy column " Horse & Buggies"

  10. Now that you've dipped into the JTI pool, there is no going back. Dive on in! And, no, I don't recall the lettuce reference. I do remember the chess game going on with the brain and that(cough) other funny little guy.... ;>

  11. Quisp! Haven't heard of that cereal in ages!

  12. Hey Journal Times, since you've banned my account, it hardly seems fair to continue to spam my email with your ads.

  13. I finally got tired of them stalking me after our "breakup" and blocked them from my email account. I marked THEM as spam and banned them! LOLOLOL

  14. Jerry: Yeah. I mean, let's say this is your brain. (Holds lettuce head) Okay, from what I know about you, your brain consists of two parts: the intellect, represented here (Pulls off tiny piece of lettuce), and the part obsessed with sex. (Shows large piece) Now granted, you have extracted an astonishing amount from this little scrap. But with no-sex-Louise, this previously useless lump, is now functioning for the first time in its existence. (Eats tiny piece of lettuce)

    George: Oh my God. I just remembered where I left my retainer in second grade. I'll see ya. (He throws finished Rubik's cube to Jerry and he exits. Kramer enters)

  15. jed: I asked my other half of my brain girl friend about the lettuce reference and she knew it right away. Gee.... I'm slipping. Thanks.
