Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Follow up to KK's Protest Blog

This time there wasn't as many protesters but cops...gezzzz twice as many as last time, also lots of high school students this time marching back and forth and chanting 'recall walker'!

All Photos Property of SER/JTIrregulars - To purchase these picture write to


  1. The protests won't be taken seriously until you get proper signs. Trust me on this, hand drawn protest signs are yawn to everyday man. Printed signs like there are moneyed backers ARE taken seriously. I know it sounds bad, but the reality of this observation is fact. You always know when the power brokers are involved by the professionalism of the protest signs. Time to move it up a notch or three.

  2. I have to disagree with you Huck, I have seen some extremely creative "hand made" signs.

    Walker is taking money out of the protesters a pocket, which is only one of the reasons they are out there, it doesn’t make sense for a person or a group to spend thousands on signs for a couple hours on a corner!

  3. It's the 60's all over again! ♫We shall overcome...♪ Where's the good acid and casual sex?

  4. Good for you KK and all taking action.

  5. Go, kk...btw, you're looking good.

  6. Hey all,

    SER was closer to the hotel. I worked the main drag. (that doesn't sound right) I was up on Hwy 20. Lots of horns honking in support. Some thumbs down.... not as many people flipping the bird like they did back in March. Everyone seems to be catching on that Walker is, to put it nicely, disingenuous.

    I'm angry that WRJN stated there was about 100 protesters. There were many, many more than that. We were spread out over Hwy 20, and lined along Oakes Road. There should have been more, but with Racine teachers finding they were less affected by the cuts to education for next year, I guess they felt less inclined to complain. What a shame. These cuts will hurt the kids of Racine and our community, in real, and potentially fatal ways in the future years.

    I talked to the lady in the full length RECALL home made suit. And huck, there were plenty of printed signs. Those were all over the place. SER just didn't capture those in his photos. I have one of the printed signs in my car that was handed to me. I chose to write my own personal message stating the surplus funds that were "FOUND" should be returned to education. I also stated that I support the children of Racine.

    Walker came in under camouflage. He arrived in a truck with darkened windows; he left as secretly as he arrived. Is he afraid to meet his constituents face-to-face? It was not an angry mob. It was educators, firemen, families with children... hard working people he is supposed to be representing.

  7. The lady in the full length RECALL home made suit.

    She was there in March and I also saw her at the airport when "Weasel-man" snuck in a back gate, again so he would not have to confront his constituents

  8. I agree with KK about the cuts affecting the kids. That is very true. My youngest child just graduated high school but my boyfriends son is going to be a freshman. This will hurt him if he needs more one on one help with his school work.

    Walker don't care who he hurts. He is hurting not only the workers but there families also. Walker is scared of his own shadow by now with what he is doing!
