Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy May Day!


  1. Can we use the Festivus pole as a May pole? I'll dance. Wait, that conjures up an odd picture that I didn't intend....

  2. Yesterday a few days ago was May Eve here in Sweden or Valborg as it's called in Swedish.. We gather as a community and have a huge bonfire.. It symbolizes the warming of spring at the same time as it scares off bad omens and predators. May 1st is a traditional day to let the live stock out of the barns for the summer (as now the predators are scared away because of the bonfire and thus safe for the live stock to be out in pasture)

    We took the girls to a local farm where they have a big thing going on when they release the cows from their barn.. It's so much fun to watch, from all the momma cows run out of the barn and watch them actually jump in the air and mooo is happiness.. The noise is fantastic to all the little baby cows that have never seen the outside being a little weary and needing to be forced out into the pasture...

    It's a pretty amazing sight.. The girls thought it was great..

  3. With regards to KK's comment, Does anyone have change for a $20, I need all singles. Happy Festivus to the rest of us.

  4. Ahhh... jed. You haven't met me in person. Maybe you need a couple rolls of pennies? :D

  5. The only thing pennies are good for are your thoughts.
