Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." -Martin Luther King, Jr.


  1. beautiful quote Sylvia, I had to share it on Facebook..

  2. thank you why not - i actually found it on facebook...

  3. Personally I am glad he is dead! And it did/does make a difference to me; I would rather he be taken down by our military verses dieing of old age some where.

    As for celebrating his death; well if I had a beer maybe I would hoist it to him but that would be the extent of it. Or maybe hang an American flag outside, if I had one.

  4. This death sure has taken the “spotlight” off of that idiot Scott Walker

  5. In 1900 the world population was 1.9 Billion people, by 2000 the world population grew to 6.8 Billion people, even though 5 major wars resulted in 80 million deaths, while bringing us the greatest advances in technology in man's history. God seems to know what he's doing!

  6. Osama preached hate and was shot in the head. MLK preached love and was shot in the head.

    Humans are sick.

  7. I said it to a friend the night we heard. "We (the nation) are dancing in the streets exactly like those we despised 9/11. How are we better or different when we act just like those we call animals?"

    I don't doubt the videos of the mass reactions were/are taken any more lightly than our nation's reactions back then.

  8. Which god Ed reform? More followers of other gods than yours in the world. As for me, Isn't Science GREAT?

  9. sylvia: In a HUMAN response, you are so correct. I cannot find the best answer.

    Orb's: Your comment Is so true, and really causes great thought, and wonder.

  10. Huck: I guess I would have never thought of that. It Is so true. I remember so well the dancing in the streets of those other countries.

  11. Thats the one thing that sickened me is the dancing in the streets of DC and NY. Reminded me too much of the celebrations after 9-11. While I am glad the bastard is room (or sea as it may be) temperature it is nothing to celebrate like they just won the Super Bowl.
