Friday, May 6, 2011

Open Blog - Friday

Wow, a sunflower growing out of a hat!


  1.'s suppose to rain Saturday, now that would be something new.......gezzz

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  2. I'm dealing with a sick Maia.. Her eyes are so swollen and red.. I feel terrible for her.. I'm trying to get the nurse practitioner in our town to prescribe some eye drops but I think it will be a fight.. I would love to nip this in the bud before we all end up like this with only 1½ weeks before we travel..

  3. Sunny so far here today...little humid, but really not bad...going to do a little yard work and run the rest of my zillion errands!

    Have a great weekend, all!

  4. I was wondering what happened to my hat.
    Why not, sorry about the sick kid, sounds like maybe alergies or pink-eye. Not fun, but be positive, this too will pass.

  5. How cute! Time to get a new hat when things start growing out it. :) Happy Friday everyone!

  6. Never heard of "pushing up sunflowers"

  7. Thanks Jed.. It's an infection due to her cold she's been fighting these last few days.. I wouldn't normally react and just let it run it's course, but we are Traveling 11 hours on a plane in 1½ weeks to get to Racine.. really don't want to deal with that too.. but we got some antibiotic eye drops and hopefully it will pass and not pass on to the rest of us..

  8. hope Maia gets better soon :)
    I almost missed Friday, being off of work is really messing with my sense of what day I'm on, geez! I didn't realize how much I rely on work to figure out the day of the week, whether it's a bun order day or which maintenance guy I have, I'm all messed up without it but not in a rush to go back next week!
