Monday, May 9, 2011

Open Blog - Monday

Yes it is, yes it is. 


  1. It is Monday and it is bedtime! (p.s. that kid is scary!)

  2. It's Monday and I'm on the 10 day count down.. Starting the big cleaning today.. starting with the bathroom.. I will probably spend about 3 hours in this small bathroom.. there will be no corner untouched (even the one behind the bathtub as I am pulling the bathtub out of the bathroom), the place will be sparkling from top to bottom by the time I am done... now just to get off of the computer and actually start.. Thats always the hard part..

    The girls are feeling better, Maia's eyes are pretty much cleared up.. Mina had a bit of fever yesterday but seems to be feeling better today.. I hope I can keep them occupied enough to get the bathroom done.. Lots to do in these 10 days..

    here I goooo............

  3. You've got to love Mondays, what a great day. I hope everyone, especially all of you Mothers out there, had a great day, I called my dear Mother down in Del Boca Vista, she was too busy watching Seinfeld reruns to talk. Oh well, it's the effort, right? I hope you all have a productive day.

  4. LOOK'S like "The Racine Journal Times" STOLE Drew's "Four for Friday's idea? Go get em Drew.

  5. Why Not? 'pulling the bathtub out of the bathroom?' How does one do that? LOL...have a great day, everyone.

  6. Happy Monday!!
    yes, creepy freaky kid, wow, scary!

  7. Yeah Toad, I noticed that last week when they started.

  8. "Five Random Questions" Those bastards at the Journal Times are something, eh? They chase us off their site and then monitor us to steal what they find appealing. They do the same thing to Racine Uncovered. They are leeches on our community and they continue to ban anyone who speaks the truth. I discourage everyone I know from subscribing or buying that lying paper.

  9. Okay, creepy image. I know how to block all images from loading on a there a way to block just one?

  10. From the words of Cass Elliot (Mamas & Papas)

    Monday Monday, so good to me,
    Monday Monday, it was all I hoped it would be...

    Have a good........

  11. In our apartment as well as most of Sweden has bathtubs that are very much removable.. there is a drain in the floor and a pipe that connects the drain in the tub to the drain in the floor.. so just remove the pipe which is easily done and move the tub as you wish.. It's made because these apartments especially are popular with both young families with kids and elderly.. Some want a bathtub and others dont.. keeps everyone happy..

  12. I'll be damned if you don't learn something new everyday... Thanks Why-Not... When you're done, let me know, I have this

  13. Huck: I didn't see It until today. It really pisses me off. If I tried to do such a thing, and copyright It, They would have my ass.

  14. I remember when we defected... and someone posted a news-type of story, they made a big stink about us "stealing" from them. They went as far as getting lawyers involved with Racine News' website so that they couldn't publish anything from the AP wire. And then they stole stories from them.

    There were many times that we broke a story, I saw their IP address trolling and returning to that specific JTI page, over and over. Then, a couple hours later, the story would be on their website as breaking news.

    The Journal Times stinks... no question about it. I do not own a subscription. The trouble is, they are the only "official" game in town, so I guess it doesn't really matter how stinky they are, they continue to survive.

  15. Remember the bloggers' strike? Remember when Mme. Zoltar channeled me from the land of banned? How about OrbsO'Corbs?

    We are the best and the brightest of the bunch and their mediocrity forced us to launch our own site.

  16. What is sad, you can go to JSOnline and read more about Racine then in the JT

    That tells me the JT is too political and selects only their “side” of the story.

    I believe if you are going to print a newspaper, you should print the good the bad and the ugly no matter what it is!

  17. I left them a comment. Whether I get banned or not from that dismal place, I couldn't care less. Now to call my lawyers Raggum, Cheatum & Howe and see that will do anything....

  18. Gee, I thought Cheatum was still with Cheathum & Fleesum...

  19. I an early post I mentioned you could read more about Racine in the JSOnline, wouldn’t ya know here’s a story about Racine County pot bust...Posted in the JSOnline, but nothing listed in the JT!!!

    But they have “Five Random Questions”....oh hell no!

    Pot Bust

  20. The Journal Times is still on dial-up, so it takes them a little longer to get the news.

  21. Shhhh. I had a secret crush on OrbsO'Corbs.... hehehehe. Those were the days. Reflecting back on the blogger's strike made me smile.

    Hey, when did Dewey leave Cheetham and Howe?

  22. We need to get our lawyers straight...:P

  23. Btw, those were the days. You guys said that Rob Golub, the original online editor, went to the first get-together and was a nice guy. Then BO'B arrived online, and a darkness fell over the Journal Times' blogs. Souls were cast into the Land of Banned and Evil roamed free on their website.

    We must keep the oral tradition alive so that our children's children may know the story of the founding of the JTI. Or at least print out a hard copy. I don't trust media, and I especially don't trust "the cloud."

    I was scared to hell to meet you guys.
    Now that I have, I'm even more scared.
    Especially that little one packing heat...

  24. What in the heck are you guys talking about?

  25. Jed, come to our summer get together. We'll get you up to speed quickly, or inebriated qu icker... depending on your choice. Who is in charge of bringing the pole, and is fungi dancing again? :D

  26. What, rookies have to do a festivus dance? Someone is not telling me the whole truth.

  27. KK, I went back and read some of the beginning history of ya'll, reading most of what you guys did in the first few months getting things started,let me just say, very interesting,you guys were very good. I don't know that I will ever be an accepted part of this group.

  28. Jedwis, as far I'm concerned, you're a part of this group...:)

  29. Thanks Drew, but I still have to earn my wings. lol

  30. Oh hell no...I posted about the pot raid yesterday that was posted on the JSOnline...damn if it isn't in the JT today...They crack me up!

  31. Those are really funny, orbs. Weiner & Cox Law firm made me laugh out loud.
