Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Open Blog - Wednesday

Hump day.  


  1. ok, that picture was disturbing.. Well this Wednesday is making me upset.. I know Jed the power of positive thinking.. but after having about 2 weeks at about 70 degrees and actually getting sun burnt, I wake up this morning to snow and freezing temperatures.. makes me want to puke.. I have already washed all of the winter stuff and packed it away and now it must come out again.. yuck yuck yuck..

  2. Why Not...disturbing picture or a sick mind? Laugh'in

  3. I love the image, how can you not love a day called "hump day". Why Not... be positive yes, this too will pass. I wish everyone nothing but the best. Now let's all go take on the day.

  4. Now I don't feel quite right holding my mouse in my palm so intimately....

  5. I woke up in a good mood today. That never happens. I always wake up in a bad mood. Now instead of enjoying my good mood, I'm going to worry about it all day. It's tough being crazy, but somebody has to do it.

    Osama bin Laden's death was the first major news event that I've experienced without TV. kk's blog was the first I knew, and I immediately thought, "Damn, I wish I could see the news." But I went to and elsewhere and got all the coverage I could want. I stopped missing TV quick.

  6. Btw, I find this blog's picture disturbing, too. That's a mouse and a hamster. Inter-species breeding is sick!

  7. You guys are making me laugh...too much....;)

  8. Yeah-disturbing pic...If an hamster and a mouse can "click" by all means, have at it.

  9. it's certainly an irregular situation going on ...
    sorry I'm late to the party, busy day, but I'm on the mend :)
