Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Open Blog - Wednesday

That looks delicious.


  1. wow, I slept in til 5 and came in 2nd? where is everybody??
    Back to the grind tomorrow, not looking forward to going back to work, just hope my foot holds up, I do have contingency plans in place either way :)

  2. Is that a Creamsicle or a Dreamsicle?

  3. Depends on the center filling, Orbs. Creamsciles were vanilla ice cream- dreamsciles were ice milk. My fav was the fudgescile, very yummy. Anyway, Don't ya'll just love Wednesdays? As I've said, any day nicknamed "hump" day goes to the top of my list. Now go take on the day.

  4. 1. Only when it rains.
    2. Oshkosh Wisconsin
    3. I did when I was younger but not lately.
    4. It was a lot cheaper then but now I have to count my pennies.

  5. I forgot, I did a 4 for Wednesday and Sassa answered.
    1. When do you like go shopping?
    2. Where is your favorite place to shop?
    3. Do you shop often?
    4. How much do you spend shopping?

    Imagine my original questions were about sex, so I had to modify. lol

  6. 1. I LOVE to shop!
    2. Whenever I can get a good price.
    3. One can never shop enough.
    4. I find the value is not in the savings, but the quality of the items.

    As you can tell, I'm feeling a bit salty today.... hehehe

  7. OK KK glad you're so zestful & piquant, must be the warming weather got you going.

  8. I love long since I had one and Dr. Atkins would not approve! Orbs, I always called them 'creamsicles.'

    Four for Wednesday:
    1. About once a I'll be at Kohl' my 30% discount coupon!
    2. Various places
    3. Define 'often.'
    4. More than I should...

  9. OK the 4 for wednesday was a joke because I have no idea why Sassa threw those answers in there, other than the fact she is very humorous.

  10. Beejay is so cute. She was talking about "real" shopping! :D

  11. That Is the BEST Ice Cream treat EVER. An Orange Dreamsicle.

  12. Can we find out exactly what Sassa was talking about? Beejay, being blonde has absolutely nothing to do with it... that's my story and I'm sticking to it. lol Remember, I'm Irish, think of the hell I have to go through. lol

  13. 1. Never maybe at home on eBay.

    2. Online

    3. Every two weeks or less. Seriously.

    4. Depends. Groceries with a needed restock? over $350. Odds and ends until a restock? $60-100. Toys? $15-2,000. <-- Why I don't shop often.

  14. "Serenity Now" jedwis is confused. lol

  15. Whatever they are....I love them!

  16. I just wanted to be funny...but now I thought...give 4 answers and guess what the question is.

  17. Umm... Sassa that's what I did, but not too well. I should have gone with my original using sex instead of shop. Oh wellI am quite the mugwump

  18. Friday already?...:P Wow, time flies...

    1) For other than music...never.
    2) Best Buy.
    3) Only when I have money.
    4) If I could, I'd walk out with whole damn store.

  19. Boy did I ever screw this up without a kiss. lol Repeat... There was no 4 for Wednesday... it was a joke on Sassa gone bad, my bad. Drew you are the man with 4 for Friday, it is your caper. Only the JT would think of stealing your idea. lol

  20. I am a guy. Shopping is pretty utilitarian for me, a way to acquire stuff I need, not a process that is really enjoyed (although I did enjoy shopping for my car last fall...I guess when you make big purchase, you get treated like a king).

    Ice cream sandwich is the name of the next Android OS. I still have Froyo on my phone...hoping for the Gingerbread update soon!

  21. 1. When do you like go shopping?

    2. Where is your favorite place to shop?
    No place.

    3. Do you shop often?
    Unfortunately, yes, because mom needs errands done.

    4. How much do you spend shopping?
    I have no idea. Once a month I go to Wal-Mart and stock up on stuff (non-food) for me and mom. That usually runs about $200. Then there's numerous trips to the grocery store and/or whatever during the week. I don't know what those add up to.

    If my mother were not present in my life, I think I would probably leave my apartment building about twice a week (unless I got some money and could afford carryout).

    NOW to the important stuff: Sassa, I think four answers for Wednesdays, or whatever day, is a GREAT idea. You supply four answers and we each try to guess the questions. If you're willing to do it, I think it should be a regular feature on the JTI.

    Do you know how to post a blog? If not, maybe the Sheriff could post the answers for you. So, what do you say? Quick, before the Journal Times steals your idea...

  22. Btw, I like Creamsicles and Dreamsicles and Fudgesicles and Popsicles and any other kind of "sicles." I haven't had a Creamsicle in a long, long time. Maybe they'll become my new comfort/crave food fad. I'll have to check availability and price at the store.

    And speaking of stores again, I want to second hale-bopp's sentiment about being a guy and shopping being utilitarian. I've often thought there should be two kinds of stores: one for those who want to shop, and one for those who know what they want and want to get in and out as quickly as possible.
