Friday, June 10, 2011

Open Blog - Friday

Here comes the weekend.


  1. What the hell...everyone sleeping?

  2. hey, I just got up, go to bed SER :)
    Happy Friday everybody!
    I work early, get out early, then bumming Main street with my mom and sister, then Monument Square to listen to my sisters boyfriends band Full Flavor at 11:30, rain or shine, but I prefer shine!

  3. Geez, don't you guys sleep? lol Everyone have a wonderful and productive Friday & enjoyable weekend...What time do the Packers play, it's football weather.

  4. Productive Friday no, it's gloomy and rainy and just plain ICKY outside, good day to go back to bed and pull the covers over your head (btw I think we had our Summer season and it's now Fall)

  5. I will be participating in the Relay for Life going on at Hammes field today.. really hoping the weather gets a little better.. I did this 2 years ago and we had some pretty nice weather then.. it's a pretty amazing event, hard to keep dry eyes during the survivors lap.. I'm scheduled to walk at 11p.m. I hope I can stay awake..

    I was hoping to hit up a few rummage sales, but I don't know if it feel like getting out in this weather..

    LM what kind of music does Full Flavor play?? if I dare leave the house I may stop by downtown.. but this weather isnt showing any signs of getting better so far..

  6. Notice that The Sheriff nailed this post at the strike of midnight? Wonder what happened to him after that? lol

  7. DAMN! The weather sucks! I'm going back to bed!

  8. Good grief you guys are up late.
    Happy Friday to all. Wow, after very hot days you guys must be freezing up there. Seriously, 52 on June 10? No thanks.

  9. In about 4 hours I am a free woman. No more pencils, no more books, no more 5 am wake up calls! 50 degrees???... it is summer, right?

  10. "Stoughe", sorry I didn't see this til after we got back. They play classic rock a couple oldies, some Santana, a good mix. My favorites were 'that old time rock and roll' and 'walk this way', they are good. The lead singer is my sisters boyfriend, the drummer is his brother, the other singer is their nephew and the bass is the only non-family but he's good. It was moved inside of the Red Onion across from Monument Sqare, it was good, my mom even went with and said she had fun

  11. I was up till 6:30 AM. Ever since I was sick this past winter, my body clock has been shifting to nocturnal. I don't know why. Maybe because I'm less likely to have to deal with "normal" people in the wee hours?

    kk, I bet you're feeling very emotional right now. Take care.

  12. Yes, orbs... maybe I should go post a puppy youtube. Nah, I'm okay. I'm pretty good at holding it in. I just worry that one day I'll go ballistic like the postal workers.

    The toughest part was taking everything down and walking out after so many years. And then, again, who knows... maybe the whining and worry was all for naught?
