Friday, June 10, 2011

"Wis. Union Protesters Disrupt Special Olympics Ceremony"

I don't comment much on the current political turmoil in our state because I like to keep my body parts out of wringers - and, quite frankly, I still don't know what is "right." But I do believe that the Special Olympics and other charitable events should be left out of it.


  1. I agree with you on this one Orbs. Those Special Olympians work very hard and they didn't deserve this.

  2. I would generally agree with you on this Orbs, but I would prefer to see a less biased report before making a final statement. The MacIver Institute says they are non-partisan but all the buzzwords they use definitely show their anti-union bias and they have ties to the Koch brothers and we all know where they stand. If you have any other accounts of this, I would be interested in seeing them.

  3. 40 seconds was all I needed to see. It didn't get bad until the people blocked the view of the kids. Those people went overboard. The Governor could have had that small group In his office also.

  4. Sorry, hale, I didn't realize that I was using a biased source. I used a link that the Journal Sentinel provided in their story.

    The Racine Uncovered story has a link to local Channel 6's coverage of the story:, but they're FOX, so I assume they're biased, too.

    Here's a view from laborradio:

    Here's laboradio's YouTube page: They (he/she/it?) appear to be about as leftist as any other group I have seen.

    I still see people interrupting an event that should be reserved for those who participated in the Special Olympics. I think it disrespects the efforts that the Special Olympians made.

    That is simply my personal opinion. It's probably based much more on how I was raised than on logic or political ideology. Perhaps it is antiquated thinking.

    I apologize to any form of life, intelligent or unintelligent, able or disabled, of any gender, age, race, creed, color, sexual orientation, political affiliation, and/or planet of origin, anywhere in the universe, that I have offended with any portion of this blog. May I burn in hell forever (likely, in any case) for doing so.

  5. Everyone is allowed their opinion. As angry as I can get over some of what is happening in the political forum, I can't see doing this at a celebration for children. There is a time and a place for everything.

  6. Just to clarify.... I just went back and read the full link. The zombies were student protesters, not union people protesting. They were originally in Vos' office demonstrating against the voter id bill.

    The union people who were holding signs in the picture stood quietly and, according to the special Olympics organizer, did not interfere with the celebration.

  7. Orb's, As for myself, You didn't offend me. I'm all for the right to protest, but It has to respect the rights of others, particularly children, that at this point In life could care less about the budget. The REAL protesters acted responsibly, but as Is ALWAYS the case "A few bad apples spoiled the whole bunch" As for the types of people you named In your comment, I am gonna save that, because It's one of the funniest things I have ever read.
