Saturday, July 2, 2011

Kate Smith - God Bless America

Kate Smith was born and grew up in Greenville, Virginia.

In early 1940, Kate Smith, a fiercely patriotic American, and the biggest star on radio, was deeply worried about her country. She asked Irving Berlin if he could give her a song that would re-ignite the spirit of American patriotism and faith. He said he had a song that he had written in 1917, but never used it. He said she could have it.

She sat at the piano & played it and realized how good it was. She called Mr. Berlin and told him that she couldn't take this from him for nothing. So, they agreed that any money that would be made off the song would be donated to the Boy Scouts of America. Thanks to Kate Smith and Irving Berlin, the Scouts have received millions of dollars in royalties.

Frank Sinatra said that when Kate Smith, whom he considered the greatest singer of his age, first sang this song on the radio, a million guys got 'dust' in their eyes and had to wipe the tears the 'dust' caused


  1. My intent isn't intended to make anyone angry, but I always find It interesting how patriotic people become on The Fourth of July. All year long they pee and moan (me included) about our government, and country, but on the Fourth of July It's all OK? I think people that love the Green Bay Packers, could be called Patriotic Green Bay Packer fans with their patriotism being equal to or more than to this country? What Is Patriotism?

  2. I read the above and thought, "That's easy. Patriotism is, uh, . . . um, . . ." OK, it's not that easy.

    It's like love - hard to define, but you know it when you feel it. Love of country.

    I guess everyone gets "patriotic" around the 4th of July because that's what the holiday is for: to celebrate the birth of our country.

  3. We all turn Irish on St. Patrick's Day too. Now to get deeper...

    I sat in church on an Easter Sunday. The priest said to look around at the number in attendance. He said if you really are a believer, the church should be this full every week. I believe he went as far as to use the word hypocrit. His intent was genuinely to get people to church more often.

    As a teen, his words were profound and resonated in my brain. He was entirely correct. I stopped going even on Easter.

  4. OH KK, You should be a professional writer. If I would have had a mouth full of liquid when I read your last paragraph, I would have spit It all over the place. As they say, That was priceless. As for St. Paddy's Day, I agree.
