Monday, July 4, 2011

Open Blog - 4th of July

Have a happy and safe holiday!


  1. Have a safe and happy 4th everyone....SER

  2. I hope everyone has a Happy 4th and be careful and safe!♥

  3. The one day of the year our society allows you to mix explosives and beer.

  4. Happy 4th everyone! Have a great day. Hale - you cracked me up but then I thought you know, he's right. Scary.

  5. Have a safe and happy holiday (emphasis on 'safe!') Loving Hale Bopp's comment!

  6. Happy 4th!!
    We're doing alot of nothing today and enjoying it.Hubby is home for the weekend and it's over way too fast, at least it's beautiful outside ;)

  7. Beautiful day. I only visited the parade long enough to buy a couple of brats. Brat Breakfast is becoming a 4th of July tradition with me.

    Life Line called at 9:30 last night to report that mom was having chest pains and an ambulance was on the way. She's in the cardiac unit again. She had a rough day, but is feeling much better now. We'll learn more tomorrow, I'm sure.

    I won't be going to the fireworks. At home, I can barely make out the faint booms of their launching, but Charlie can hear it and he'll probably hide. I tried to sleep through the pre-parade, but Charlie went nuts over the sirens and kept jumping on me. Tough day to be a cat.

  8. Orbs I am sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she is doing better today and come home soon.

    I know what you are talking about with your cat. The dog I use to have barked all the time at the fireworks. She never liked them.

  9. A couple of years ago I took advantage of the energy efficiency tax credit and got new double pane windows. A bonus is how much quieter it is inside with the new windows. Don't even notice the fireworks anymore (and of course the 4th is way too hot in Tucson to have the windows open!)

  10. I meant the exploding of the fireworks, not the "launching." Charlie didn't do too bad with the fireworks this year. Having a window a/c unit also blocks noise, by making its own. I heard plenty of firecrackers and rockets in the neighborhood last night, but nothing like a few years ago.

    Thanks, THB. Mom's not home yet - more tests - but she's doing better.

  11. Orbs- I am glad your mom is doing better. I also hope the tests come out good so she can come home. I know how it is going up to the hospital to be with family not fun. Thanks for letting us know how she is doing. Please keep us up to date on your mom.
