Monday, July 11, 2011

Open Blog - Monday

Click the picture if you want to see the flashy version.


  1. go to bed, cheater!!
    I'm 1st, actually up for the day :)
    Now to work on the 'happy' part..
    this require more caffeine...

  2. Looks like I have 3rd place wrapped up...laugh'in

  3. 4th is the charm! :D

    Pretty nifty, sheriff. I had to click. Just had to....

  4. I guess I'm fifth. damp it. I was disappointed in the flashy version, I thought it be more XXX.

  5. Good morning, folks. Shaping up to be a very busy week for me. Doctors, banks, more banks, and work to be done. Have to get all in order before I leave here for WI in a couple of weeks. So looking forward to a break and seeing you folks. Once we nail down dates, I'll let you know. Cookout at Beejay's house.

  6. Ugh. Another 100 degree day here. Wisconsin looks better and better every day.

  7. I don't think happy and Monday should be used in the same sentence. Except for me that is. Kitty is hiding behind the bathroom door again. (hates rain/thunder)

  8. Checking in. Hot and humid after rain - my tomatoes love it.

  9. Finally able to check back in. Storm didn't knock out the power... It went out hours later. Grrrr. Out for 2 hours. I was getting antsy!

  10. I was just watching the news that there are some trees down again. I hope everyone is alright from the storm.

  11. Enjoying a rare respite here...only made it to 92F so far today. If the clouds break, that could change quickly (and will change later in the week!)

  12. Monday again?!!!
