Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Open Blog - Wednesday

That just needs a little whipped cream...


  1. that's true :)

    this has become quite the competition...

  2. oh, and angel food cake!

  3. Oh come on now. I'm claiming first... you are a maniac!

    You can keep the angel food cake. I wish I had a piece of that chocolate cake I made with chocolate frosting and walnuts. The trouble is.... I ate it all!

  4. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Frog lover ya got it.

  5. Fourth!

    New euphemism: yesterday I was told that it usually takes "24 business hours" for an insurance company to respond to a prior authorization request. 24 business hours = 3 business days, no? Is that supposed to make you feel like something is going to happen in a day when it isn't?

  6. It's Wednesday, it's hot and I'm tired of it....

    KK your cake sounds good, I'll have a piece of it also!

  7. When we get the whipped cream in this it will remind me of two things. 1. Wimbledon 2. Herb Albert & the Tujuana Brass Band. Any questions regarding this, please let me know. Have a productive Wednesday everyone.

  8. Morning all...back on my bike and pedaling my butt all over Port
    Charlotte. It was 84 degrees when I started out. Whew. See you all soon.

  9. I saw Strawberries at Costco In Madison over the weekend that were amazing. They were gigantic, and $8.00 for a 4# container. They also had mini Chinese celery. (can't think of the name of It right now) that looked like It would be fun to cook with.

  10. The Angel Food cake Is ok, but It certainly doesn't compare to a Shaum Torte. If you don't want to make them, you can buy them at O&H bakery. Kind of a long commute to me.

  11. oh Huck, I think she is up for competing with you for 1st, booger...

    angelfood cake sure beats the fake shortcakes mom used to make

    in this heat I completely missed the fact that it's Wednesday... I do think I'm melting into a puddle here... clean up in aisle 1...

  12. My sister just texted that it is over 100 there. I sincerely feel bad for all the people there who don't have air conditioning. I hope everyone is doing okay.

  13. Damn! I had 2 lower teeth pulled yesterday and a temporary bridge put it. The dentist went through 8 door knobs before they came out.

  14. logjam, you've been having a lot of surgeries. Take care of yourself.

    This is the first time since I've lived in this apartment that I've had the a/c still running full blast at 2 AM.

  15. Yes, logjam, please take care of yourself. Ouch!

    Orbs, my air ran through the night as well.... it kicked back on again at 7:30 this morning. That bill is going to be a whopper. Thank goodness for the comfort it provides. I can't believe that we used to survive without it. My first house didn't have it. I remember sitting in lawn chairs in the living room when the temp in the house was 100 degrees at 10pm! Good grief, I don't think I could do it anymore!

  16. Kk I agree with you about the air conditioning. I don't think I could live without it either.

    On Tuesday I walked outside to go and pick my boyfriend up from work and the humidity just took my breathe away. When I got to the car I had to use my inhaler that is how bad it was for me.

    Logjam I hope you get better and take care of yourself.
