Friday, July 22, 2011

We're #4!

Fourth highest personal tax out of all the other states per a study of all states. Notice the taxes businesses pay, and Scooter wants to tax them even less?

#4 . Wisconsin
Taxes paid by residents as pct. of income: 11%
Total state and local taxes collected: $41.7 billion
Pct. of total taxes paid by residents: 77.9%
Pct. of total taxes paid by non-residents: 22.1%

According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Wisconsin relies more on income and property taxes for its revenue than most states. In fact, both are approximately 25% higher than the national averages. The state receives a smaller portion of federal money than most others, leaving little room for this money to offset state spending. Worst still, taxes on industrial property owners rank among the bottom half, and often the bottom third, of the country, while residential taxes are among the greatest. According to a study by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, Wisconsin's middle class pays a bigger share of government spending than any other state, except for New York.


  1. The more I read, the more I want to puke. They lie to us so much, so many can't even see the truth.

  2. And the ratio was different under your boy Diamond Jim?

  3. The information age is exposing their lies, over and over. That is the sickness that has gripped the nation. Our "leaders" lie and lie and lie, but there is nowhere to hide anymore. It starts at home.

    Party on, lying John!

  4. Never said anything about "Diamond Jim" being any better.. because one politician does something doesn't mean its right for all the others to do so as well.. as Orbs said is that all this is getting exposed more and more.. its depressing no matter what side of the aisle the politicians are on..

    I get very tired of people pointing to their opposing political side for being just as bad or worse. when will people just demand politicians work for the people and not the corporations and lobbyists..

  5. I don't believe anyone was touting "Diamond Jim." I agree with Why Not that both sides are to blame, and hiding behind each others evils. We need a common sense party to emerge. Enough of lining any specific pocket. We used to be the greatest country. Greed and political agendas are running that into the ground.

    Orbs, maybe the best thing that will come from the "information age" will be more accountability, more truth in what is happening and less ability to hide your sins. Although, I have a few in the closet myself....

  6. Legislative Riders

    These need to go! Many states DO NOT ALLOW THEM. They state the ‘bill’ be one subject only.

    Wisconsin and the Federal Government allow them and they should be stopped. We all know what they are; ‘FAT’ and they are bills which would never pass on their own.

    In legislative procedure, a rider is an additional provision added to a bill or other measure under the consideration by a legislature, having little connection with the subject matter of the bill. Riders are usually created as a tactic to pass a controversial provision that would not pass as its own bill. Occasionally, a controversial provision is attached to a bill not to be passed itself but to prevent the bill from being passed (in which case it is called a wrecking amendment or poison pill).

    Riders are often completely irrelevant to the bill they are attached and are commonly used to introduce unpopular provisions. These tend to have negative implications for freedom and civil liberties but are nevertheless passed due to the amount of support behind the original bill. For example a rider to stop net neutrality was attached to a bill relating to military and veteran construction projects.

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Along with lies and we all know that are way out of control. ALL legislators who lie should be put in jail; no fancy word dancing, just toss the bastard in the pokey!

    It’s time for a new government!

  7. I have to stop reading political news and the charged blogs. I don't understand it. Welfare and S.S. have been put on the table, but the low taxes on the very rich are being defended as if it is the middle class that'd see the brunt. This is the result of both side's fault, but one side has dug in their heels so hard they are going to shoot themselves in the foot along with everyone else. There are no compromises being made. I'm witnessing a two year old having a tantrum and screaming MINE at the top of his lungs.

    When it all hits the fan, I hope you understand how it happened. We are on the cusp of a depression and war that will make the "Big one" seem like child's play. We are ready for America's first Tyrant. Don't worry, he'll be rich. There will be no need to tax him. Nope, he'll be taxing us though. he'll be taxing us.

  8. Huck, the mentality of those "of means" has really come out of the closet. They believe it is okay to openly say they hate paying for services (public servant salaries), hate the sexual revolution (banning same sex rights) woman's rights (anti planned parenthood/low cost health care) hate caring for the elderly and sick (medicare/medicaid)

    The extremist right wing thinks they somehow can rule unchecked and don't have to listen to the people.

    Granted, everyone is fed up with unbalanced budgets and too many entitlement programs that have gone amok. As you put it, they are holding an unrealistic firm clenching on what they want and are throwing a tantrum. What really surprises me is that there isn't more opposition to this. I think some of the middle class that this hasn't touched yet are under the assumption that they are "the rich" or exempt. That plateau is much higher than they imagine.
