Thursday, May 31, 2012

Burglar Bars

Back in August of 2011, I took these pictures when the city was complaining about bars on windows.  This first picture was taken on Washington Ave. in the Uptown area.

Today in the JT the owner of the property is facing numerous finds.  Looking at the picture and the one posted by the JT the only difference is the guy took down the brick wall.

What burns me, we as homeowners have a weeds in the alley and our ass is dragged through the coals; check what this guy has going for himself....why isn't he in jail?

RACINE — After protracted enforcement, an Uptown businessman awaits sentencing on 16 municipal violations and scores of state violations, on top of a recent criminal misdemeanor conviction.

Nevrus Aliu, owner-operator of Tony’s Auto Sales & Service, 1323 Washington Ave., faces up to $759,515 in fines for city ordinance violations and $10,647 in fines in a Wisconsin Department of Transportation action.

See the complete article at:

Have you seen the article in the JT where the Mayor is going to veto a small business, a candy shop, from having “Burglar Bars” on their windows?

Mayor to veto Burglar Bars on Candy Shop

Copied from the JT, - "We have had a standing belief on the city plan commission that bars are a horrible example of what the city should be," Dickert said.

Here we have a lady just trying to protect her new business.

Have you ever been to the gas station on Ohio & Washington Ave? They have a 2” thick cage the attendants are behind; you pass your money under the partition in a little chute. Go there at 2 in the morning and there are two uniformed police officers there. They are trying to protect their employees and customers, what’s wrong with the candy store trying to protect their business.

Dino’s Pizza on 16th street, in their carryout area they pass your pizza out to you in a metal tray. They have had this tray for 25 plus years!

Just for grins I took a ride around the downtown area, The Peach of Racine and took a few pictures to share with you.

I was amazed driving through Racine the amount of fencing in this city, it’s everywhere and I’m talking about fencing with barbed wire on top of it!

This picture is from the Uptown area right on Wachington Ave/Hwy 20.

Twin Disc in the uptown area.

The JT downtown. They are protecting their trash. BUT there are also power transformers inside the fence which is required by law to protect from idiots. Play with them and you'll go up in!

Here we are gaurding a dirt pile on the lake front...

Another business protecting their property.

A very nice frece around our Water Dept. Don't want people steeling water. but we do need to keep the wrong people away from it!

Ooops...wrong blog

Another business protecting boats...

This one is good, keeping people out of a yard of trash..

Twin Disc, Case Company, Modine, Insinkerator and the list goes on. All these businesses have barbed wire around their property.

So what is worse Mr. Mayor, barbed wire or burglar bars making the city look bad?


  1. It's beyond idiotic. He lives in the lies in his head. Seriously, I doubt that he can even recognize the truth anymore. "Perceptions." A sad, petty narcissist. Why does the crap always rise to the top in our political system?

  2. Their is a gas station by me that has a window that closes when it gets dark out to protect the worker behind the counter. If it is ok for one business to do this it should be alright for others to do the same to protect the business.

  3. I stated before there is a house on Michigan Blvd (near the beach) that has barred window(s?) and it looks like "Spanish" motif.

  4. Great analogy SER! One doesn't even blink at the barbed wire fencing.

    I wonder if they could, as Sassa says, make the iron bars into art work of some sort, twist it to make it look like candy?

    As for orbs question, it isn't just politics where the crap floats to the top, it is in most every business as well. Seems that power is a magnet to all the ills of society. I saw Curt Johnson was in the news again yesterday, getting some special privileges granted to move across state borders. The old saying, money talks sure sums it all up.

  5. Must be a different city I lived in, but it was against code to have barbed wire on top of fences, or broken glass atop of cement walls.

  6. SER, What you have done Is EXACTELY what I want to do In this wonderful town, but not fences. I want to take photo's of all the BEAUTIFUL PUBLIC buildings, ie: City Hall, County Court House, Library, Jail, and another Court building. Catholic Church, County Public Works Building, City Public Works Building, Sexual Predator Prison (OOP'S, Treatment Center) etc. and compare them to the rest of the city, including the horrible roads, and ALL the empty lots. BTW. In the first photo I loved the flower basket with all the NICE greenage at the bottom of the pole.

  7. KK, I called my next door neighbor last night to ask about Public Meetings regarding the MULTI Million dollar project 7 miles out of town to build a Sports Center, He Is my County Supervisor. It Is supposed to bring young people from all over the country to play all the different youth sports. Baseball, Soccer, Tennis, nearly anything you can think of. The fellow that owns the project Is a multi-millionaire, but I guess not that many millions, because he wants the county to take out bonds for $7Million dollars. The county decided to have a consulting firm check on the likelihood of this project actually being a big boost for Juneau County since we have NOTHING to offer, for food, entertainment, ETC. and Wis Dell's Is only about 15 miles from this site. Anyhow the fellow that Is handling this for the Development Corporation has arranged these public meetings. Two with the public, and one with business owners ONLY. Public hearings have already been done, and so long as this guy was going to pay for this himself, nobody cared. I called my neighbor, and all he did, was talk over me, and tell me I hate this city, and County. (to which I agreed) and he asked me why I moved here, and I said I DIDN'T WANT TO, and didn't move with the company, but came up 4 weeks later at their request to help, HELP. Anyhow, my wife thought this was utopia, so we ended up living here. (It's her fault) so after talking to him for 15 minutes he said he was hanging up, because he didn't want to hear It. After that LONG rant, that seems to be representation at It's best. I can't wait to see him outside, should be interesting? They don't like me much here. "Honesty Is such a lonely word" Sorry for the length of this.

  8. KK, All I wanted to know from him was, WHY Is the Development Corp. having public meetings before the consultants come back? Never did get an answer.

  9. sure Toad, blame the wife... hehehe, sorry the idiots are everywhere, you can't avoid them, the cling to each other and breed like bad viruses...

  10. Unless it is against current building codes how can he do anything what so ever unless he over steps his authority? At this point he and the city, the tax payers, could be sued so he NEEDS to be stopped. Not sure why we blame the politicians, they have been h3ll bent on destroying small town America for generations now, but we are the ones who have allowed it..

  11. I think honest people don't want to get involved because it's a snake pit. I cannot imagine dealing with such slime balls without going off on them. Seriously, it's like dealing with Al Capone or a child molester. I literally shudder when I think about it. Water seeks its own level and no one wants to get down in the sewer with these rats. They have no shame, only greed. They do not care one whit what happens to anyone other than themselves.

  12. Then we've lost? Or has it just begun? They say there is a time for everything. What if that time is now and we stand idly by and the pages of history are written without us?
    I live in Kenosha and this article angers me as it is the continuing war on private property rights. This may seem like some small deal to some folks but if he gets his way this will migrate to the general public.
    I fought against the smoking ban in this city as the council tried to sneak in a private session on a vote to ban it. They lost but of course our governor punched our Republic in the face. The point im trying to make is, wars are won or lost one battle at a time. This is part of the war on private property rights and people should be just as upset as if it were their own home.
    And to OrbsCorbs: slack?

  13. Our country is up in arms and divided more than ever. People are taking to the street, people are voicing their concern. We do have power, but the problem is, there is power in opposition as well.

    Part of the problem is that people do not inform themselves, or find that the truth is hard to discern amid all the lies. Many choose simply to be sheep (shame on them.) Some people cower in fear... and sometimes good people step down for good reason: retaliation and personal attack.

  14. kkdither: I agree, complacency seems to be a big factor tho. As for the sheeple, well we can surely place part of the blame on our current educational system. When i went to school, early on, they taught us how to reason through a problem instead of asking for help, and giving it, at the first failure, i.e. Where i first went to school we were taught to sound out words we didnt understand, we were taught long form cursive, you know with the pretty loops. It was around third grade when i moved to Kenosha that we discovered the dumbing down of our populace has been pushed into overdrive. Here they taught us to raise our hands and ask the questions immediately, when i was sounding out a word i couldnt pronounce, while reading out loud, the teacher would immediately stop me and tell me how to say the word, i was also forced to stop long form cursive and start using short form. This is a small example of a completely different paradigm. On the one side we have cognitive reasoning(wisdom) and the other we have memorization(knowledge), teaching one what to think and not how to think seems to be the prevailing means of education and it has cost us greatly.
    I give this example because many people think we live in a democracy where 51% of the people can vote away the rights of the rest when in fact we live in a Constitutional Republic which relies on us to watch our "representative" elected officials, when they stop representing the best interests of the people, under the rule of the Constitution, they must be told. Those of us with the ability to reason have an obligation to remind them they are wrong or be forced to surrender our rights as well.
    Scary to think that there is a large portion of people, including elected officials, in our country that cant possibly understand the concepts behind such a simple document, the Constitution. Im glad i dont see those types here.

  15. Thanks for your comments, anon. They were very thoughtful. I agree that we need to be vigilant and voice our disapproval... but I also understand when someone tries, and for whatever reason needs to step back. Sheeple are those who complain the loudest when what they chose to ignore comes around to bite them in the ass.

  16. Not sure if any of you have read his "mission statement" on the site but here his part of it:

    "As Mayor, I am committed to enhancing our community in a manner that fosters both economic growth and improves the quality of life and the experiences of those who spend their time here. We always have the welcome mat out for businesses that wish to take advantage of our resources and quality workforce. Racine has a rich history of innovation in both the manufacturing and service sectors. It is a place where you can make your dreams and ideas come true."
    Hypocrite much? hehe
    I sent an email to him and will send the snail mail letter in the morning, i included this excerpt in both.

  17. Anonymous, thanks for the comments.

    Not sure if you know, but the picture listed as “Ooops....wrong blog”, Orbs posted a blog regarding Cosmic Corner on Main Street.

    Cosmic Corner painted their place of business different colors so it would be “noticeable”.

    Right away the city said their color scheme doesn’t fit with the “downtown look” and they need to repaint it! Another case of the city trying to tell people what to do with their business.

    This is Orb’s post: Cosmic Corner - Orbs

    Cosmic Corner’s Web Site

  18. is how i found this place. We Ktownians lost our local web spot awhile back and is just as bad as /b/ on 4chan. Thank you for allowing me to post and for being receptive and respectful. If i should happen to get a reply from my email, which i will send once/day from here on out, i will post it here.

  19. Anonymous; Please feel free to join us! On the Home Page or whatever you call it there are directions how to join...really simple if I can do it.

    You can keep us up to date on K-Town!

  20. We could certainly use a K-town reporter... but are you irregular??? ;>

  21. Yeah, the old Daily Kenoshan. They plugged us on their site back in the day. We're not really a news site, though. I'm not sure what we are. We're Irregular.

  22. Yes, I saw and read most of the article about that guy in uptown. They say he was using the property as a junkyard. It's amazing how many violations some people can ring up before anything is done.

    They busted the old Belle City/Racine Steel Casting property owners for $1 million for running a dump there.

    Btw, Cosmic Corner is still cosmically colored. I drive by regularly. I disliked the paint job at first. Now I love it.

  23. City Hall and the Downtown Post Office still have burglar bars today. Talk about a double standard. Who else is ready for recall petitions?

  24. Orbs, They busted the old Belle City/Racine Steel Casting property owners for $1 million for running a dump there

    I went to high school with the guy, i can tell you some good stories. Actually he is a pretty nice guy and he has the "stealies" to go against the city knowing they are chickens and won't do anything.
