Sunday, August 21, 2011

Harry Chapin - "Taxi"

A very special song to me, for very special reasons.


  1. It is a very amazing song. Always makes me sad, though.

    If you let it, the could-a, should-as will kill you. Things happen for a reason. There is a great famous quote, I'm not sure who said it: Regret is just insight that comes a day late.

  2. Very “true” tune!

    I believe young in life, 20 to 25, a person will meet someone and they feel in their heart the can go a long way with them to realize their/a dream of the future.

    I also believe it goes both ways, a male who never “invested” the time to catch the lady or the lady never “invested” the time to catch the man. I think their lives would be completely different had they. And I believe it would have been all for the good!

  3. I heard Chapin perform this decades ago at UW-Parkside. The next day I quit my job and went to Sherry Cab, then a black-owned and operated taxi company in Racine. I told them I wanted to be a taxi driver, a young white kid amongst those blacks. They gave me a job, but I had to start out on the graveyard shift and there wasn't much money there after the bars closed.

    I have stories from that experience. I have thousands...
