Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Open Blog - Wednesday

Wow, and just after a Freaky Friday, too.


  1. is it me, or do these open blogs seem to appear just about everyday??

    it's quite nice outside right now :)

  2. Happy Wednesday :)
    you guys are funny, enjoy it now froggie, once school is back, you'll be snoring when this comes up hehehe

  3. I would have had it if I wouldn't have had to sign in. grrrr. I'm wishing I was sleeping! If I do this when school is in session, I'll really be in trouble.

  4. KK you need to get one of those programs people use for bidding on e-bay. It logs in during the last minute and bids until you win or loose your shirt.

  5. I think the only way I could be "first" in this event would be if the"sheriff" posted this thingy at 12 noon, instead of midnight. Anyway I don't mind being 5th, right KK? lol

  6. Ahh, jed, maybe that is the real coveted seat? A fine good morning to all JTI'ers. It was a rough night of watching the politicians spin their web.

  7. Rainy Wednesday here in Florida. Oh dear...another dank day.

  8. We (for now)have broken the heat barrier. It's only 92 right now and how sweet it is.

    Happy Wednesday to all.

  9. It's nice to turn off the a/c and open some windows again. Charlie loves the open windows and therefore hates the a/c.
