Sunday, August 28, 2011

Playing with food

I got enough tomatoes (sorta) and plenty of oregano and basil to try scratch spaghetti sauce. Neighbor Bob tossed me several clumps of garlic from his garden, and I cheated with the mushrooms, celery and thyme. All the rest is from fooling around with my mini garden. We shall see how it works. Got some onion and a carrot. Yes, the recipe I found says carrot. I didn't see the simmer for four hours part.... Should be time for the fridge by bed time. This stuff is better the next day, right?


  1. Hey.... just tasted the spoon. This is pretty good! Burnt the onions though Oh well.

  2. Maybe you can do like Paul Newman and market your own sauce.

  3. Always better the next day! Lets the flavors mingle

  4. definitely better the next day, if it's not better enough for you, back in the pot it goes for some tweaking. to can it you only need to use a hot water bath, cans really easily, unless you add meat to it, then you need a pressure cooker

  5. You will never believe this...the man from upstairs just gave me a slice of 'fried green tomato'. My first. It was good!

  6. Huck, You betcha. The next day Is ALWAY'S the best.
