Friday, August 26, 2011


Have you ever found something lurking in the back of your refrigerator?

Yesterday I saw something, a little baggie hiding out, reached back, pulled it out and it started waving at me!

I bought some beef sticks at Mars Cheese Castle a couple months ago and they accidentally got pushed all the way back. They were scary...


  1. Funny SER...when I see my 80 yo Mom every couple of months down in Oak Park, I make it a point to clean out the frig. I can't believe the things I find, it's like watching an episode of "Bones" lol

  2. OH yes. Little bags of leftover cheese are common finds. Worse than that are the margarine cups with left overs. Oh boy, If thats penicillin It should be valuable as much as It grows

  3. Has the mystery smell been solved?

    True confessions: I once found a sour cream container. When I opened it up, it was shamrock shake green. Surprised me, I thought sour cream was already past its prime?

  4. Yesterday, I found a piece of a peach that I had put into a baggie, put in the fridge, and forgot about. Ew.

  5. Okay this doesn't involve the fridge but it's just as disgusting.
    I always bring fruit to work in the morning;usually two apples and a banana. Somehow I missed eating one (banana) and stuck it in the drawer (in a bag) in my desk. I found it the other day and thank goodness it was in a bag. Black disgusting mush.

  6. We have a reputation for having small bits of mushy rotten cucumbers at home in Sweden.. whenever my husbands sisters come for a visit they always do a search for them.. usually do find a couple..

  7. Lettuce In a plastic bag forgotten In the back of the fridge, Is truly a nasty sight, and feel.

  8. Here's a good non-refrigerator one: my ex-in-laws once bought some fresh shrimp and forgot about it in the trunk of the Barracuda. They only took the Cuda out on weekends. The following week they got into the Cuda. They suddenly "remembered" the shrimp. As I recall, the upholstery in the trunk had to be replaced because of the stink.

  9. if you can't remember what's in a container, chances are, it's way too old, yuck

  10. oh yeah my friend had a tube of turkey meat that had fallen out of her grocery bags.. after a few days she started to smell something and it just got worse and worse, she cleaned out the car but never checked the trunk.. finally after about a week and a half she finally opened up the trunk and found the tube of turkey meat had exploded open in her trunk... that smell was terrible..
