Friday, September 16, 2011

Open Blog - Friday



  1. wow!
    I thought I had it much for my once a week chance (if I'm lucky)

  2. I need to go to bed. Too much World turning and I need my feet back on the ground. War! What is it good for? Money

  3. Oh no. I ruined froglover's once a week chance, (if she's lucky).


  4. a little competition is good :)
    I think I need to order myself a big bubble to live in for a while, allergies are kicking my hiney.......hamsters look like they're having great fun in their balls, I imagine it could be entertaining running errands in a giant human size 'hamster' ball hahaha

  5. Gosh darn it...6th Nice job, Orbs, you've got to stay up pretty late to beat out Ms Froggy. Have a positive and productive Friday everyone.

  6. I have now packed 2 of my 3 allowed bags.. (so cruel to take away half of our allowed baggage), pretty sure I will have to pay for an extra.. My two bags are also 1/2lb to heavy.. so I will have to fish something out of them.. some people would let it go without issue but some would make you move stuff right there at the counter.. so here I go to (as the saying goes) try to fit 10lbs of s@%& in a 5lb bag..

  7. SER - we are at 55 with chances of rain for the next week. Haven't seen that in months.

    Why Not - good luck with packing. I hate that part. You always go home with more than you came with. Have a safe trip back and let us know when you are back home.

  8. HOLY CRAP! I was nice and warm under the covers. When I got up this morning I froze my ass off.

  9. Why-Not & Mary... I don't know about you girls and the packing thingy. It is very easy, going out all you need are some boxer shorts and your wallet. Coming home, just trash the boxers. lol

  10. Finally, cooled down here. In the 60's at night and days when it doesn't get above 90 may be on the horizon. September 17th is our average date for the last 100 degree daily high temp so those are coming to an end for the season as none are on the horizon.

    Lots of rain kept it cool yesterday. Last night was the first one I had the house open instead of the AC running.

  11. Boy, am I ever tardy to class.....

    jed, re: packing and girls. George and I have the same packing agenda.

    Jerry: Oh. But you essentially wear the same thing all the time.

    George: Seemingly. Seemingly. But within that basic framework there are many subtle variations, only discernable to an acute observer, that reflect the many moods, the many shades, the many sides of George Costanza.

  12. You're the best KK... the best! lol

  13. To remove or not to remove the window air conditioner, that is the question. Will it get warm enough to use it again? Do you guys want a heat wave? I bet if I remove the unit, we hit 90 in the next week.

  14. I am having a real problem with this anonymous guy... who is he?

  15. Oh, jed, don't ask about anonymous. He appears from time to time and is a portly under-clothed blogger.... YIKES!
