Monday, September 26, 2011

Open Blog - Monday

Have a great week.


  1. last week was brutal, here's to hoping this is a nice, calm week (a girl can dream, right?)

  2. well I have a better chance at coming in close to first now that I'm 7 hrs ahead, but I am still very much on central time so it will have to wait a little longer to be able to contend.. I think I'm 3rd not bad, it's 10:20 a.m. here..

    Good luck LM, hope you get a calm week..

  3. I agree with you lizardmom. Last week was really crazy here and the weekend. I hope this week is a calm one too!

  4. Ms Froggy... I wanted to be 5th, can we switch? Oh well, I can still go to the liquor store, right? Everyone have a positive and productive Monday.

  5. OMG I just happened to look out the window at work and I noticed that gas is down to $2.93 a gallon. Wow, haven't seen that in a while.

  6. I'm 8? That is appropriate, since I am on lunch.

  7. Ninth! See, I told you I wanted to be ninth. It's not easy, just sitting here and lurking, waiting for the right moment to pounce.

  8. 6 must be on some covert assignment... he didn't show this week.

    Sheriff, do those open flames on the candles meet our fire code?

  9. ARGH!! I CANT SLEEP!!! please it's almost 1a.m. and I cannot fall asleep.. I have not been able to get to sleep before 3:30 a.m. every day.. I cannot stand this jet lag stuff..

  10. How do people who travel constantly deal with it?

  11. Why Not... I have one word that will solve your sleeping problem... Alcohol. lol
