Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Open Blog - Wednesday

Try to look on the sunny side of life.


  1. Happy Wednesday to me, Happy Wednesday to meeeeeeee.

  2. I'm here :)
    I realized last night that it had been awhile since my last appearance and was quite surprised no one was too worried about me...
    school = no life :(

  3. Awww, froggy, I missed you. I just figured you were swamped with the books. Have a positive & productive Wednesday everyone.

  4. Anyone missing me???? I don't like being missing! :(

  5. Yeah KK, I am missing you too, but I know you have a legitimate reason without a puter. We are working on a fund-raiser to get you a i-pod thingy with internet access. Did you get your foot examined? Amputation, lol?

  6. I guess I'm missing.

  7. Still hot here...worked in the yard for a bit this morning...that mulch is heavy...oh well, more exercise for me, I guess. Grrrrr.

  8. I missed y'all but my aim is getting better!

  9. I miss you, kk...soon...real soon.

  10. Just call me stumpy. I woke up, stepped on it and said for certain that today after work I'd stop at the walk(limp)-in clinic for an x-ray. Instead, I did my grocery shopping. At least I have something tangible for my $100.00. It is feeling better(?) or I am just imagining it is... because I'm too chicken or bullheaded to go. Maybe tomorrow? :)

  11. kk, no one in the medical field knows what they're doing. You're better off with home remedies.

    I miss being missed.

  12. Happy Wednesday everyone. Like you, we are bracing for a cold front. We started yesterday with 102, 83 today and 59 tomorrow. May I be the first one to say brrr.
