Saturday, October 15, 2011

"Milwaukee officers are ready to ensure 'Occupy Milwaukee' rally will be peaceful"


Will there be an Occupy Racine?


  1. I was invited to the rally/demonstration. This stuff is getting to be too much, and the potential for violence is growing. Too many people are losing their jobs and their homes. It is getting personal and desperate. Where will it end?

    I think momentum is fine, but the truth will only be told in the voting... and for that, I am ready.

  2. I think hat the violence is misdirected. Everyone knows who "They" are. Wall street and other like locations are mere symbols of the excess. I don't believe in violence, but if it were to start, the proper way would be to aim that violence in the proper direction. Burning out your own neighborhoods and shops is foolish at best and self inflicting at worst.

    Locate the rich AND powerful and do the violence there. If you're going to cross that line, cross it wisely, know your enemy and target them appropriately.

  3. I personally think it is going to get worse. People are getting hungry which is terrible when little kids or anyone goes hungry, there is no need for it in America.

    Even though winter is coming I don’t expect it to slow down, the cost of everything seems to raise, gas, heat, food and so on. People need to eat and they are going to feed their families one way or another and it’s going to get bad. Not just here in Racine but nation wide.

  4. SER, I believe your correct. I think this Is just the beginning. When people become unable to feed their families I believe all hell will break loose?

  5. Occupy Racine is a fledgling group. We are in need of proper organization. We have the social media tapped, the population seems a bit apathetic. Please contact us via Twitter and spread the word. Thank you!
