Monday, October 31, 2011

Open Blog - Monday & Tuesday

Happy Halloween!


  1. Oooh am I first?!?!? Happy Halloween!!

  2. spent yesterday sick all day, hoping today will be better, not on the happy monday band wagon quite yet, maybe later?...

  3. hope you feel better soon LM, spending today sick hope this passes soon waking everyone hour during the night for a coughing fit is not fun..

  4. Happy Halloween everyone.

    Lizardmom I hope you get better soon.

  5. 5th! err yeah 5th! Have a positive and productive day everyone. LM...stay away from the candy. lol

  6. Trick or treat, smell my feet; give me something good to eat. Have a great day everyone. Raining here. A dank day in Florida!

  7. Happy Halloween everyone! Hope you feel better Lizard Mom.

  8. Hope you feel better, lm. Happy Boo Day.

  9. Tomorrow is Novenber Fools day...

    frigh'in Novermber all ready, I'm not liking this...

    Lizardmom, stay sick, gives you a good reason to lay in bed all day and not do a damn thing!

  10. I went out on my long run last night. Lots of churches were having their Halloween is Evil So Come To This Event Instead celebrations. That movement is thriving in Tucson (of course, they are all outside events as beautiful evenings are very common this time of year).

  11. I feel less dead than yesterday, but that doesn't say alot, I would give anything to be able to stay in bed for the day but the call-in's at work started last night already, I had to go in, did survive but it was hard, I have a feeling it's going to be a long week. if I could just get completely rid of the headache, I think the rest would settle down - calgon, take me away!!!!!!

  12. 10th is mine again.... bwahahahhahaha. I scared or, probably scarred some kids today with my creepy black fuzzy tarantula. Such fun! I also ate too many Smarties today. I think I'm reverting back to my childhood. HH!

  13. Darn, I forgot to buy myself some candy.

  14. Now is the time to buy it, orbs. They mark it down after all trick or treating is over. You have to get there fast, before the grabbers get it!

  15. I'll take first for Tuesday

  16. 2nd for Tuesday, although I could have probably get 1st, I was up all night coughing away, I sent myself out to "sleep" on the couch so that my husband might be able to sleep for a few hours.. was not a very relaxing night for me.. feel like a zombie this morning..

  17. Woo Hoo - third for Tuesday. I finally beat Jedwis.

  18. Well all I can say is... well done Mary!!!

  19. Well done because now I'm
