Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Open Blog - Wednesday

May your day be sparkling.


  1. Numero deux. Je parle seulement en Francais apres midnight.

  2. I'm here, eyes not ready to open yet...

  3. not sure what kk said but I suddenly feel like some ketchup...

  4. Happy Wednesday, today is Mina's birthday, we will spend the day at a big indoor playground with tunnels (big enough for us adults to crawl around in too) and huge slides (big enough that I dont dare go down them).. It should be fun, we always end up sore in our muscles at the end of these days.. then it's cake this evening (rainbow cake). Birthday party with all of her friends this weekend. Not sure where I'm supposed to fit everyone but we'll make it through somehow, maybe just a few more gray hairs (nothing that a box of hair dye can't handle)

    Have a good Wednesday, I know I will..

  5. Happy, Happy Birthday Mina, too bad KK didn't have the chance to make you a cake, her cakes are really delicious.
    LM.. I too do not know what KK said, but it make me feel like "Pepe le Pew"...if you get my drift. lol

    Everyone have a positive & productive day.

  6. Thanks Jed, KK has made some wonderful cakes thats for sure...

    Mina's birthday was a success, but still have her big birthday party to tackle on Saturday.. I ended up making a rainbow cake for her which she thought was just great.. the big playground was great, but I had a rough start because I slept terribly last night, but after forcing myself to play like a kid for a little while I was enjoying myself thoroughly..

  7. lizardmom said...

    "not sure what kk said but I suddenly feel like some ketchup..."

    That's funny.

  8. I may not make it for first, but I can be last :)

  9. Not on my watch, Ms Froggy. lol
