Thursday, November 24, 2011

How was your Thanksgiving?

I took my mother to my sister's home in the country for Thanksgiving.  My sister's family and in-laws were also there.  It was a nice, low-key affair, at least from my perspective.  There were a few kids running around and that's as stimulating as it got.  It was a good meal with good people.  And the Packers won. That's enough to make me thankful.


  1. I'll tell you tomorrow how it was when I dip into the leftovers. I was so tired by the time I pulled it all off, I couldn't tell you if it was good or not. That is way too much work to put together that much food and get it ready all at the same time. It might be a pot luck or pizza the next time.... The company was good though.

  2. We were at my brother-in-laws and it was a wonderful day. Good food, good company and a very good Packer game.

  3. Senor Zanza, Junior, and I had a small turkey feast. I tried to time serving the meal to halftime of the Packers game. I didn't do too bad. Our delicious "dessert" was the Packers winning. Junior and I will be eating turkey sandwiches for days. They just don't raise turkeys for three.

  4. i worked, it was much busier than expected so i was not staffed enough for it but we survived. i came home exhausted, hubby cooked up a couple lobster tails i found at sams, quite a non traditional year this year, I will cook the monster bird (25lb) when i get home at 10 today (arriving at work at 1am.....) or tomorrow if there is nothing left of me today :)

  5. I was lucky to get off of work and hour early. When I walked in the house it smelled so good with the turkey cooking. The turkey was awesome. It was just Drew, my daughter and I. His kids didn't show up. It was nice for a change not a lot of people like with my family. It was quit.

  6. Thanksgiving went well! I got up early to do the turkey and watched the Packer game. Though the Packers didn't play as great as they normally do, they still won... The turkey however exceeded my expectations and turned out to be very good, along with the side dishes. Stuffed myself plenty. Then spent a quiet evening watching movies with my girlfriend.

  7. Great job to you all...Looks like Orbs needed a bib. lol

  8. Looks like wolverines got to that turkey, orbs! lol

  9. We have more than enough leftovers here!

  10. I got that pic from the net. I have a lot of leftovers, too, and so does mom. I like turkey, but not so much that I want it every day.

  11. KK...We live in Wisconsin, not Michigan... The bagers got to it. lol
