Friday, November 18, 2011

Open Blog - Friday & Weekend



  1. Friday has arrived!

  2. Morning Froglover lady!

    I love Spong Bob...

  3. Jed, I will be most productive at being non productive today, planning too much tomorrow, so that will make up for it :)

  4. ok setting it once again for Jed at #4

    hello all by the way

  5. thanks SERNovember 18, 2011 at 7:30 AM

    5th...yeah baby, I'm back. Ms Froggy, congrats again on being 12:00 on the button. The world is back to normal. Please, everyone have a positive and productive day, or in LM's case, tomorrow. Thanks Why Not for the introduction...and last but not least...I hate sponge bob.

  6. 6th! Have a great weekend everyone. Enjoy being unproductive LM.

  7. Seventh...oh well. Have a great weekend all. Just got back from a nerve conduction test for my arms and hands. Yep, looks like surgery is on the horizon for me. Good news is that so far, we think it is only carpal tunnel and the surgery is much improved over that of the past (I had it done in the early 90's). No down time at all with this new stuff.

  8. I guess I am 9th today.

    Beejay I had the surgery done about two or three years ago and you do have to be careful after it still. I had it done on my right wrist and they do day surgery for it now. The doctor did tell me not to do lifting with that hand for about a week. Before I had it done I could even lift a twelve pack of soda. Now that hand feels so good to this day. I hope you feel better after you have your surgery.

  9. Yea, I roll in at 10 again! I think jed may have hit that 5th already today... hehe. Finally, I've found someone else who doesn't like Sponge Bob!

  10. I got to assist a carpal tunnel surgery during my clinicals.. Very fascinating, they did it bloodless.. I got to meet the patient two weeks later, they were a bit swollen and sore but they were pleased..

  11. Saturday snuck up on me...

  12. ooo, late by a whole minute, slacker!
    yesterday was a complete success at being unproductive!
    Today - 20 lb bird in the oven, just because. much cleaning to do, a bunch of tedious stuff and lots of other stuff to do, will be quite busy

  13. My big bird is in the fridge thawing. It is so big, it might not fit in my tiny oven. I did the cleaning thing this morning. Visited with my kids most of the afternoon. Weekends sure beat weekdays!
