Monday, November 14, 2011

Open Blog - Monday & Tuesday

Rise and shine!


  1. it's going to be a LONG day, couldn't sleep, and definitely didn't get nearly enough sleep, start the caffeine IV please...

  2. It is going to be one long day for me also. I have an eight in a half hour day at work today. But will be home in time for the game tonight. Let see if the Packers can go 9-0 tonight against the Vikings.

  3. I think LM couldn't sleep because she was up "hog tieing" Froggie Girl so she couldn't be #1.

  4. It's a good day when you can beat out Miss Froggy, Mary & KK. Got to love it. Everyone have a positive and productive day.

  5. sorry, went to bed early. I'll take Jed's 5th spot since he doesn't want it today.

  6. I'll take 6th. Like I said Jedwis, one of these days.....

  7. On open blog you should just ask..What Time did You Get Up? LOL

  8. Yeah Miss Froggy you can have my 5th, oh wait I'll need it back for the game tonight. Mary...someday,lol. Does anyone have a "Get out of Jail Free" card we can send to SER, even though he did't do What is "it" SER?

  9. I got up at 9:30. I have to leave by 10:30.

  10. @ Sassa, alarm went off at 5:15. Killer when you finally get to bed at midnight.

  11. Sorry, I need to get with the program...5am here, but I go to bed at a "normal" time. lol

  12. bed around 11, up at 8

  13. SER, don't you mean "frog-tieing?"
    she's mighty slippery, it's not easy!

    oh, and I went to bed around 7, too hot, too cold, hubby snoring, lather , rinse , repeat til midnight when I got up out of frustration... maybe got 2 hours sleep... SO TIRED...... hoping to crawl to bed by 4, yes this afternoon, if I last that long...

  14. Okay, folks, it is 6:41 here and 79 degrees...Oh boy...we are going to have a warm November.

    Thanksgiving is coming and I'm hosting a small group (for me, at least---perhaps ten or 14 people...whoever shows). I'm set for it.

    And next week, we are taking the motorhome out with the canoes and going fossil hunting.

    My life is good.

  15. That was spam. A new kind, under a registered account name. I'm reporting it to blogspot.
