Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Open Blog - Wednesday & Thursday

Whatever you eat, don't overindulge. Then you'll have leftovers.


  1. Turkey or beef, this ain't no baloney:
    I'm #1!

  2. congrats orbs!!
    working then making a humongous pot of potato soup when I get home, it should be a good day :)

  3. I am number 4 today. I have to work early today!

  4. I'm with SER. Last night I was craving a slice of pumpkin pie. I'm baking today and I think.... I'm making a side small pie just for me to eat tonight. Is that bad??? ;>

  5. Hey KK stole my 5th... give it back KK, I really need it...I hope everyone has a positive and somewhat productive day.

  6. You are bad KK and I am extremely jealous.
    Have a great day everyone!

  7. I guess this is what happens when you go to bed really early...and... don't get up early...

  8. No prob, jed. Come on over and we'll split the fifth. I may even share some of my pie.... :D

  9. Thanks for sharing KK...I'll do the 5th with you, but I don't eat sweets, so you can have the whole pie. lol

  10. I got pie!!!! Two kinds, a pumpkin with a cheesecake and whipped cream topping and a pecan pie with french vanilla ice cream. Which one you want, SER?

  11. Oh, kk, is known to eat entire pies all by herself...ahem; I happen to know I gave her a coconut-lime pie with a coconut whipped cream topping and she did not share. I wouldn't call her a pie-hoarder, but perhaps I should.

  12. Shoot, this really is a family. I will never hear the end of the whole pie story... lol! (it was delicious and I'm still not sorry for the hoarding)

  13. KK - Don't tell anyone but I wouldn't have shared either.

  14. I ate all of mom's apple pies. I shared one once with a neighbor. He ended up eating half the pie. Never again.

  15. Beejay the pecan pie with the french vanilla ice cream really sounds good to me.

    Kk don't worry we will not tell anyone else about that!

  16. Mmmmmmm.... the pie queen is happy. They are beauties. Good thing I've been doing a zillion flights of stairs every day.

  17. Did anybody see the molded Turkey''s, and Pig's on Yahoo Monday? GREAT idea. They are made In Northern Illinois, and consist of all white meat. The Turkey's have Wings and legs, and the Pig's are really Piglets. I couldn't find out how much they were, because the market I called that was supposed to sell them, didn't know what the hell I was talking about. NEXT YEAR. No bones about It. Hee, Hee.

  18. KK=Pie Queen...too funny

  19. Jed got first for Thursday and probably didn't even realize it.
    what's he doing up so early though??
