Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Guess who got Christmas cookies?

Tender Heart Bear and drewzepmeister gave me a plate of 13 different kinds of homemade Christmas cookies today. Thank you guys so much, and especially you, THB, because I know you did the baking.

The Irregulars are just a swell bunch of people. My stomach says so.


  1. You're lucky Orbs, that there were any left after my ninja raids in the cookie jar :P

    Glad that you enjoyed the cookies! :)

  2. Drew & THB, what a wonderful thing to do.
    Orbs, are you going to share?

  3. drew, I heard they had to be sneaked out from under your watchful eyes.

    Mary, share? Cookies, me, share? Bwwahahaha!

    Charlie tried to help himself to some awhile ago. He usually doesn't go for sweets or baked goods.

    Yes, I will share, if there's anybody to share with. My next door neighbor is leaving to visit his mom for Christmas in Illinois tomorrow, so I'll be watching his cat. I could share with the manager and his wife, but I just gave them a mess of holiday fruit that my mother didn't want and I couldn't eat.

    I might have to eat them all. The big issue is that I've gained 14 lbs. in five weeks, and Christmas isn't even here yet. Well, I won't need a pillow if I have to play Santa Claus.

  4. A little irregular heart-warming human interest story. The friendship extended here can be surprising and amazing. Very nice, guys.

    I think I can hear the crunching and the mmmmmm murmurs across town.

  5. Now that Is really HEARTWARMING. That's what REALLY good friends do. That just makes my day.

  6. I've already put a dent into the stash. Delicious!

  7. Orbs I am so glad you are enjoying your cookies.

    I had to hide the cookies some place else so that Drew and my daughter didn't get into anymore of them. If Mr. Ninja thinks he can have anymore watch out!
