Friday, December 16, 2011

Open Blog - Friday and Weekend

Here comes the weekend!


  1. a Friday filled with last day of actual class, no work, and lots of cookies...yes please :)

  2. ...waiting for someone to be 4th

  3. 5th...yeah baby. I really, really hope everyone has a positive and productive day. Life's too short, enjoy.

  4. I'm 5th as Jed posted twice. Have a good one everyone.


  5. Can Mary do that? She is trying to steal my 5th! I want a ruling from the Open Blog Commissioner.

  6. jed, I think that was cheating, I think you're supposed to stalk the blog then nab it, but I'll leave that up to the commish hehehe
    cookies, definitely. Today is actually the biggest day for us, major cookie baking day, with help on the way, quite a production.
    I actually started last night, knocked out 3 and miss froggy did another. up for today are mounds balls(like the candy bar), chocolate spritz, chocolate crinkles and then I'm not sure, we'll see. my kitchen is already trashed and I've done dishes twice, my poor stove can't wait for a good cleaning, oh well, so worth it, yum!!!
    Yes Jed, just for you will I be uber productive today, then tomorrow, forget about it :)
    Happy Friday one and all!!!

  7. I guess that makes me 7th. I have five more different kinds of cookies left to make. Then I will have made 13 different kinds of cookies. Drew added another one for me to make this year and I had to get the recipe from his mom.

  8. You guys are like a bunch of cookie monsters...makes me want to watch the Sesame Street marathon on PBS. BTW, Mary...Nice new picture thingy.

  9. JED's CHEATING! No Christmas presents for him!

    I haven't had *any* christmas cookies yet this year. I haven't baked, because I know I'd eat them all...

  10. Jedwis, a hearing? I think my feelings are hurt.
    Thanks for the picture comment. Where is yours?

  11. We've been bothering jed to become "real" for awhile. He is like the kids I deal with.... plays dumb and then changes the subject. ;>

  12. I am "real" and I'm spectacular. lol I would be the first to admit, I am pretty dumb, but I do learn fast. Speaking of subject changing, I think I know who the Sheriff is...Its got to be Ms Froggy. How about that detective work on my part, eh? OK Mary,you win, you can have the 5th. I don't want everyone mad at me. lol

  13. Oh, jed, you're real, and spectacular, baby! As for the sheriff, the sheriff is the sheriff.... lol.

    Nice tree, Mary! Is that a big screen T.V? Do we need to head Southwest on the next road trip?

  14. we have a way of dealing with cookies, we don't eat them, unless they are broken/deformed/etc, of course, we usually help break/deform them either before or after baking, we can't have such riff raff for the people they are going to after all, quality control here!! :)

  15. Yeah, I'd be breaking quite a few "by accident" if I was helping.

  16. Did somebody say cookies?

    I have been acting like a ninja for the last couple of days, sneaking cookies from the kitchen while Tender Heart has been baking them. Hey, I just can not resist her baking skills.

  17. She's going to fatten you up, drew. You can use it.

    Lately, I've been buying Salerno Butter Cookies and gorging on those.

    A friend told me earlier that he will be bringing me some homemade Chex Mix soon. I love the homemade stuff.

  18. mmm cookies :)
    What will I do with a weekend with very little homework to do?? No more classes for about a month, just two online things to complete Monday/Tuesday.

  19. Yea Drew thinks he is being a ninja but I know he is taking cookies. Just watch out next time you see him he may have lost a couple fingers this year for taking cookies or he can explain to the family why they are not getting the cookies.

    I didn't get any cookies done yesterday I had to go and copy pictures at Wal Mart and mail them out. I have to work today and tomorrow so I am going to try to finish cookies this weekend.

  20. I'm out of commission. No cookies to be baked by this chick. Sniff, sniff. Not supposed to be typing either.

  21. KK - The irregulars are always welcome at my house.

    Am starting to bake my cookies tonight. Maybe some fudge too.

  22. Drew you are going to get homemade fudge on Christmas Day from my mom you big baby!♥
