Friday, December 2, 2011

Open Blog - Friday & Weekend



  1. Thank goodness you made it froglover..

    I started my weekend early.. I kept the girls home to get some Christmas baking done with them.. We are having a ringing in the Christmas season gathering on Sunday where we will have some guests here and we will be decorating cut outs.. so we need to get them baked.. I'm going to make up a batch of eggnog tomorrow and gotta get to the store to get some glögg (mulled wine) which is a Swedish must have for the Christmas season.. should be fun..

  2. I'm getting the Christmas spirit, too. Some lights will probably go up in my apartment this weekend. I've heard some Christmas hymns on a classical station and that's been nice.

  3. no snow that I can see, should be a good day, lets hope for some sun!!

  4. We are going to be putting up are tree this weekend and the decorations. I have to wait for Drew to dig everything out of the closet to do it. I hope everyone has a good weekend!♥

  5. Crap...6th...Ms Froggy, what can I say? Why Not, where was the egg nog & glogg when I was there? We just had all the 5th's I brought. lol. If anyone wants a killer recipe for homemade Baileys, let me know. I trust everyone will have a productive and positive day...yes that means you too Mary.

  6. My nephew who lives in England is stopping in to see me tomorrow night on his way to a seminar in Orlando. I am so excited to see him.

    These days when children leave for jobs, they don't necessarily go a state away or even stay in the United States. They go continents away. At one point, I had a nephew in Hong Kong, one in London and a niece going to school in New Zealand!

    You guys have a grand weekend!

  7. Good Friday everyone. I have to admit my decorations have been up for over a week.
    Why Not - looks like you are going to have a fun weekend.
    Have a great day everyone, including you Jedwis :}

  8. Hey...whoever change the Turkey to the Wreath...I must say nice job.

  9. Does anyone else think that SER actually might be in jail? lol

  10. Heard from the tater. He is indisposed at the moment. Gotta run, someone count what spot I claimed. Errant kids abound!!!!

  11. You go KK!!! Btw you be 9th, I think, I don't know the rules anymore. Where the hell is that open blog commissioner?

  12. Open Blog Commissioner? Maybe SER is in negotiations with the commish over his compensation package for blogging here.

  13. I just laid eyes on the covert SER, but couldn't spring him, yet... still raising the bail! (lol)

    Jed, the sheriff scolded me for being so tardy in removing the turkey. :)

    I guess I'm not mentally able to switch modes to the December holiday yet. The wreath does look nice on the lighthouse, though. Do we need to purchase a spotlight for the nighttime hours?

  14. How dare the Sheriff scold you, kk? Who does he think he is, the Sheriff?

    I like the wreath, too.

  15. productivity is the reason for my tardiness. still first though :)

  16. productivity isn't all it's cracked up to be, vegging is nice too, tho today's goal is to hopefully be productive, when I get home from work

  17. I'm not sure if the day has ended or begun again.... my electric bill is going to be sky high with all this non-sleeping stuff. grrrr.

  18. Take some Lunesta or one of those other sleeping pills that they pimp. I hear that the new generation ones' side effects include walking, eating, and even driving while asleep. Yow!

    I'm sorry for you, kk. I know that insomnia can be exasperating.

    It seems that my electric (and telephone) bills go up in spite of my efforts to reduce consumption. I don't understand our new economics.
