Friday, December 30, 2011

Open Blog - Friday & Weekend

Enjoy your New Year's celebrations this weekend.


  1. present and accounted for!

  2. and she's got her groove back haha
    Happy Friday!! My sister is in town for a couple days, going for supper with the family tonite, should be fun, open tomorrow then hope to stay awake til NY hits midnight, wish me luck!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 5th...I think? Is "comment deleted" a person, I think so. Nice job Ms Froggy. Everyone have a P & P day. BTW... Is it "supper" or "dinner"? Inquiring minds.

  5. A double SER, how cool is that?

  6. Is that jed, jacking the system again? Maybe we should just agree to give him the tri-weekly fifth?

    What an odd bunch we are, SER is stuttering, and I'm in my jammies. I wish I could figure out a way to do this for a living. Back to the grind, all too soon.

    Happy friday and weekend, everyone! Remember moderation and designated drivers if you will be out. We need you all back here for 2012! Egad, I'm still not used to writing 2011.

  7. Actually, I think I am 7th. A comment has been deleted and Jed and SER posted twice. Does that count?
    Have a great Friday and weekend everyone. Hopefully I will get out early and enjoy temps in the 60's.
    Yeah baby!!!!

  8. Traditionally, the word "tiara" refers to a high crown, often with the shape of a cylinder narrowed at its top, made of fabric or leather, and richly ornamented. It was used by the kings and emperors of some ancient peoples in Mesopotamia. The Assyrians used to include a pair of bull horns as a decoration and symbol of authority and a circle of short feathers surrounding the tiara's top. The Persian tiara was more similar to a truncated cone, without the horns and feathers but more jewels, and a conic-shaped tip at its top.

    I still think KK has a deck of cards on her head, with two aces.

  9. Here, kinda. Not feeling well for a couple of days, actually on and off for a week. Buy stock in 7UP - I'm drinking it all.

  10. Orbs...drink Coke®, if there is somtething in your tummy eating at you, Coke® will kill it.

  11. I'M LATE! I'M LATE!

  12. Slow week...only 15 blogs so far. It has been a slow week at the office and not much new astro news. I am sure they are all waiting for the American Astronomical meeting in Austin coming up in early January for all the big announcements.

  13. SER, I think the old Coke might have done it. When I was a kid, the doctor would occasionally prescribe a coke syrup to settle my gut.

  14. I remember the "Coke syrup" treatment. My mom used to get a bottle from the soda fountain at the East end of Elmwood Plaza. It did seem to help an upset stomach.
