Monday, December 12, 2011

Open Blog - Monday & Tuesday

Hide your nuts.


  1. time goes really slow when the only thing to do is wait for 12:00.
    off to bed :)

  2. Ooooo I thought maybe I would have had a chance to get first, but nope.. I am here WAY too late for froglover.. "happy" Monday everyone..

    I have officially called Maia potty trained.. Both night time and day time.. truly grateful.. diapering is really no fun..

  3. Thoid!

    Congratulations, Maia! Hip-hip-hooray!

  4. I'm up, just not awake yet...
    very happy for you whynot!! :)
    only working 4 days this week, in theory it should be a good week, we'll see how that goes! :)

  5. Another Monday and Lo and Behold, I've beaten Jedwis!

    Congrats to Maia and to you Why Not!

    Happy Monday everyone.

  6. What did Jed sleep in today. That is not like him.

    Why Not? Please tell Maia we are happy for her. I know how hard that is.

  7. Howdy. I'm eighth.

    Is it just me, or does SER seem to be overly concerned about his filberts?

    Congrats to Maia for joining the ranks of being a big girl!

  8. Do we need to send out an APB on Jedwis? I'll admit to being a little worried as he is always one of the first to post.

  9. Kk,kk...I I I I think I stutter!

  10. Tuesdayyyyy.

    WHERE'S JED? Have we sent out the search party???

  11. First Huck, now Jed. One by one, the Irregulars are being picked off.

    Who's responsible?

    Who's next?

  12. That isn't like Jed not to be missing on a Monday. I know what you are saying Orbs about Huck and now Jed. I hope everything is alright with both of them.

  13. Call for Jedwis. Maybe Madame could help us out in finding him.

  14. I think he posts from work. Maybe he got fired for surfing the net.

    I hope he's not ill or hurt.
