Monday, December 19, 2011

Open Blog - Monday & Tuesday

Here we go again.


  1. so.tired.
    (if I want to have any fun today...)

  2. *yawn* 1st of 5 straight opens this week, we'll see if I remember my name come Friday!
    On the up side, I'm breathing, something I wasn't do much of this time last week, thanks to uber steroids, breathing well and may hit super woman status in the next couple days, guess I"ll be super productive until the buzz fades away...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wow, with "comment deleted" I'm numbr 4. Yee haw!

  5. Campus is desserted today. Mmmmmm...desserted campus!

  6. I guess that makes me 6th. I am writing in between making cookies today. I am going to finish them up hopefully today. Trying to get some done before Drew gets home so I can put them away before he eats them on me.

  7. Arggghhhhh, yourself. tired after a busy weekend with three very active young children...oh my.

  8. Liz mom, What do you make, after you open. Do you have mail order?

  9. Liz mom, What do you make, after you open. Do you have mail order?

  10. Toad, I'm the main opening manager at a McD's, much to do in prep for opening every morning. I get there early so I have a more 'relaxed' if possible, open than most that only get there when they have to. It helps my sanity. We have all the teas to make, parfaits, get all machines up and running, lots of stuff, and the clock always seems to go faster once I get there. It's nice to get out early tho, scheduled til 11am, then done for the day, tho it's been slow and I get out early

  11. It's kind of fun coming late to the party, everyone is already into the spirits, I can tell because nobody can count correctly. lol
    Congrats are again in order for Ms Froggy( I know who you are)
    I am also glad to see everybody is having a positive and productive day. ^5 to everyone.

  12. BTW, at least I beat KK still. lol

  13. Did someone say sphirtz? I mean speertitz? Well, you know. Jed, I louve you man..... ;>

  14. oh no! I missed it!

  15. slacker hahaha
    another productive day today ahead, good thing for the steroid boost, I will succeed!!!!!! :)

  16. It's OK Ms Froggy...missed it by that much. I'm just getting ready for bedroom stories #22, I think this is the week for me, the curse will be over, I hope! LM, glad to see you are all chipper at 2:42am. I hope everyone has a P & P day. Let's go P!
